Research at BEA

Economic research at the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is conducted by staff in each of the Directorates and by staff in the Office of the Chief Economist and in the Office of the Chief Statistician. BEA Economists produce numerous working papers and regularly contribute at professional meetings. BEA economists also produce a wide variety of methodological and statistical reports to support the US System of National Accounts.

Within BEA, 58 PhD economists are actively involved in research on issues of interest to the BEA. BEA encourages these researchers to engage in independent research related to BEA statistics and their uses and supports publication of their work in professional journals and other academic venues.

BEA also supports research by academics on these issues through the Special Sworn Employee program, by making data available, by supporting National Science Foundation (NSF) proposals that deal with issues of interest to us, and by supporting a fellowship program with the American Statistical Association and National Science Foundation.