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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Resources Submission Guidelines

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Submission Guidelines


These instructions apply to filings made with the Commission using any media (eFiling, CD/DVD, paper, and other media formats). They are intended to instruct new filers and provide a reference to frequent filers.

We currently accept filings through the following channels: 1) eFiled at the Commission website; 2) eFiled using Forms software provided by the Commission, or 3) filed on paper or on CD/DVD at FERC Headquarters, or with one of the FERC Regional Offices (for filings related to Hydropower safety and inspections).

Beginning in March 2008 almost all types of filings can be securely eFiled via the Commission website. We recommend the use of this service since it allows FERC to process and post filings faster and more efficiently, saves paper and mailing/delivery costs, and is gentler on the environment. For the filings that cannot be eFiled using the Commission website we recommend filing on CD/DVD media to reduce the number of paper copies that must be submitted.  Starting April 1, 2010, tariff filings as defined by Order No. 714 PDF will be accepted electronically under specified transition rules.  After September 30, 2010, all tariff filings must be filed utilizing the eTariff format through eFiling.

Failure to follow these instructions could either cause the Secretary to reject your filing or the Commission to experience delays reviewing your filing. It is your responsibility to file correctly.

When making any filing other than a comment on a FERC proceeding or rulemaking, you should be familiar with FERC regulations in Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations (18 C.F.R Parts 1-399 External Link). Part 385 contains the agency’s procedural rules, but there are specific requirements in other parts of Title 18 for filings in the Electric, Natural Gas Pipeline, Oil Pipeline, and Hydropower program areas. The Commission’s Regulations, updated to reflect all Final Rules published in the Federal Register, are available online in Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations (18 C.F.R. External Link).