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BEA eFile System


Survey Resources and Contact Information

Form Telephone Email
BE-13 (301) 278-9419 be13@bea.gov
BE-12/15 (301) 278-9247 be12_15efile@bea.gov
BE-605 (301) 278-9422 be605efile@bea.gov
BE-10/11 (301) 278-9418 be10_11efile@bea.gov
BE-577 (301) 278-9261 be577efile@bea.gov
BE-45/120/125/140/150/180/185 (301) 278-9303 services_efile@bea.gov
BE-9/29/30/37 (301) 278-9303 bp_efile@bea.gov
BE-40 - DISCONTINUED (301) 278-9303 services_efile@bea.gov
...for technical assistance with eFile call (301) 278-9401 - Please include your name, phone number, the survey you are filing, the efile ID (if known) and a description of the problem you are experiencing.
Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

When communicating by email with BEA, please do not include sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in the text or in an unencrypted attachment.

Sensitive PII is information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as a Social Security Number (full or partial).

Any document containing sensitive PII that is attached to an email must be encrypted. Any email received by BEA that contains sensitive PII in the text or in an unencrypted attachment will be blocked and deleted.

If you have any questions, please contact us using the contact information on the survey you are completing.

The 2017 BE-13 forms are not yet available in eFile. We are finalizing them now and they should be available soon. Please check back later.

Latest Available Periods
Survey Period
Foreign Direct Investment in the US
BE-13 2016 Annual
BE-12/15 2016 Annual
BE-605 2016 Q4
US Direct Investment Abroad
BE-10/11 2015 Annual
BE-577 2016 Q4
Services Transactions
BE-45 2016 Q4
BE-120 2011 Annual
BE-125 2016 Q4
BE-150 2016 Q4
BE-180 2014 Annual
BE-185 2016 Q4
BE-140 2013 Annual
BE-9 2016 Q3
BE-29 2016 Annual
BE-30 2016 Q3
BE-37 2016 Q3