PRODUCTION OF FISH MEAL AND FISH OIL, JANUARY - MARCH 2015 AND 2016 Month MEAL OIL Fish Shellfish Total -------------------------------Metric Tons--------------------------------- Calendar Year 2015 January 4,355 (1) 4,355 265 February 15,007 (1) 15,007 884 March 16,563 (1) 16,563 920 Total 35,925 (1) 35,925 2,069 Jan.-Mar. 35,925 (1) 35,925 2,069 Annual Total 276,818 (2) 276,818 63,481 Calendar Year 2016 January 4,810 (1) 4,810 (2) February 13,332 (1) 13,332 (2) March 12,896 (1) 12,896 (2) Total 31,038 (1) 31,038 (2) Jan.-Mar. 31,038 (1) 31,038 (2) Note: Production may include estimates. (1) Not available on a monthly basis (2) Not available for this quarter Data includes production in American Samoa and Puerto Rico. For this report, data for 2015 and 2016 are subject to revision. Values for 2015 are currently estimates FOREIGN TRADE IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS, JANUARY - MARCH 2016 Product or country 2016 2015 Jan. Feb. Mar. YTD Total Total ----------------------------------Metric Tons---------------------------------- Imports, fish meal: Chile 1,457 1,311 1,374 4,142 29,043 Mexico 207 488 508 1,203 7,409 Canada 188 116 101 405 3,765 France 169 385 415 969 3,042 Norway 118 272 339 729 1,747 Denmark 115 189 379 683 1,401 Other 297 402 778 1,477 3,088 Total 2,551 3,163 3,894 9,608 49,495 Exports, fish meal: China 461 1,066 6,087 7,614 53,165 Mexico 16,832 4,426 7,128 28,386 31,727 South Korea 68 2,032 3,531 5,631 20,871 Canada 1,226 1,354 1,669 4,249 18,354 Germany - - - 0 7,046 Nigeria 103 - - 103 5,034 Other 384 869 1,767 3,020 12,447 Total 19,074 9,747 20,182 49,003 148,644 Exports, fish oils: Canada 709 914 889 2,512 12,746 Norway 6 29 10 45 10,277 Belgium - - - 0 8,863 Denmark 16 2 3 21 7,115 Chile 427 478 140 1,045 6,753 South Korea 3 155 449 607 2,373 Other 497 370 369 1,236 6,784 Total 1,658 1,948 1,860 5,466 54,911 Source: U.S. Census Bureau.