10 Questions: Rep. Gary Palmer (AL-6)

Communications • July 17, 2015

Palmer Feature

America’s New Congress is filled with hundreds of Members and thousands of stories. Each week, GOP.gov will introduce you to a new House Republican with “10 Questions.”

Our featured member of the week is Rep. Gary Palmer, representing the 6th district of Alabama. He serves on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, the Budget Committee, and the Space, Science and Technology Committee.

Rep. Palmer, who grew up in Hackleburg, a small town in Northwest Alabama, attended the University of Alabama and was the first person on either side of his family to attend college.

Warrior Breaing Ground on New Storm Shelter

We asked Rep. Palmer 10 Questions:

1. What inspired you to run for Congress?

I knew that I was supposed to run, but instead of running for Congress, I was running away from what I knew I was supposed to do. It was my wife Ann, who has never wanted to be involved in politics, who challenged me and turned me around. She reminded me that I had often said that what was wrong with the country is that we couldn’t get good people to run for office, and that I had even compared the sacrifice to leaving home to go to war. She then asked me, “How can you expect someone else to go if you won’t? I know this is not what we want, but I don’t think this is about ‘what we want’. I think is about what we are supposed to do, and I think we are supposed to do this.” I knew she was right and I got in the race.

2. What is your favorite football team?

The University of Alabama. I was a walk-on player during the 1970s under Coach Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant, and my youngest brother played for Coach Ray Perkins.

3. What is the most valuable piece of advice you have received?

“Be always sure you’re right — Then go ahead!” –  Davy Crockett

4. Where is the best place to grab a bite in D.C.?

I am about the worst person you could ask. When I have time for lunch I usually eat in the Longworth Cafeteria. I don’t eat out at night very often so I really can’t recommend a place.

5. Describe your morning routine.

I am usually up by 5:30AM. I shave, head to the gym, shower, dress and then head back to my office for some personal devotion and Bible study. I have been writing my own devotions that I share with my family and a few friends.

6. Where is your favorite summer vacation spot?

Any place where I can spend time with my wife and children.

7. Who is your favorite president?

George Washington. The Founding Fathers designed the office of president based on his character. In the modern era, Ronald Reagan represented our best hopes and aspirations. He restored confidence in America at a time when most people believed our best days were far behind us.

8. What is the most important–but under-reported—policy issue you work on?

Rather than one particular issue, in the large context of the extremely challenging issues facing our nation, perhaps the most important thing I am doing now is encouraging other members that we can solve our nation’s most pressing problems by presenting real solutions and challenging them to think about the long-term impact of what we are doing, rather than the short term.

9. How would you spend a day off?

I am part-owner of a tract of timber land that we also use for hunting. I really enjoy getting on my tractor to plant green fields for deer and turkey and spending time there working on the place. And I especially like spending time in the woods during hunting season.

10. What does being Republican mean to you?

It means standing up unapologetically for core principles of limited government, for traditional values, and for faith and family. It also means promoting the ideas and values that will get our nation back on the right track.

Check out our previous editions of 10 Questions:

Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)
Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA)
Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA)
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI)
Rep. Ralph Abraham (R-LA)
Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX)
Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ)
Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA)
Rep. Mike Bost (R-IL)
Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA)
Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)
Rep. Garret Graves (R-LA)
Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ)
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN)
Rep. Mimi Walters (R-CA)
Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME)
Rep. Cresent Hardy (R-NV)
Rep. Dave Trott (R-MI)
Rep. Steve Russell (R-OK)
Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)
Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR)







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