NOAA Teacher at Sea Blog

Suz Acord aboard Oscar Elton Sette
NOAA Teacher at Sea Suz Acord (2014) on NOAA Ship Oscar Elton Sette

Teacher at Sea Logs

Below is a list of the NOAA Teachers at Sea for the 2016 Field Season. Once they embark on their cruise, you can gain access to their logs which document their missions at sea and offer a wealth of information about the research being conducted as well as personal stories.  For more Teacher Logs, please go to the NOAA Teacher At Sea Homepage

Dana Chu (CA)

Spencer Cody (SD)

Mary Cook (AK)

Denise Harrington (OR)

Julia Harvey (OR)

Nichia Huxtable (CA)

Donna Knutson (ND)

Lynn Kurth (WI)

Barney Peterson (WA)

Cathrine Prenot (TX)

Sandra Thornton (VA)

Virginia Warren (AL)

Note: The NOAA Teacher at Sea Program is currently testing the WordPress platform for blogging. If you have any difficulty accessing these blogs, please contact

16 responses to “NOAA Teacher at Sea Blog

  1. KC I can’t believe how cool this is!! I have followed your posts and can’t wait to hear about the trip. BRING BACK pictures!!! Julia

  2. Jennifer Fry’s Friday coffee klatch is cheering for her. We’re learning so much from her experiences at sea.

  3. Amanda Peretich is so inspirational with her strength,bravery, and unsatisfible need for knowledge. Thank you for sharing your adventure with all those who love you teachers former and future. Forever glad we met, Terri Gilbert

  4. I will watch all this amazing scientific adventure! I will use this to share with my students! Thanks you TAS for this opportunity: to be somehow part of your cruises!
    Kind Regards, Manuela Prajea

  5. Dear Educators, I wish you a wonderful season with astonishing accomplishments!

  6. Carol Schnaiter, I enjoyed reading your blog! Thanks for all you do for the students at Central!

  7. Congratulations all! This will be one of the most special experiences as a teacher and a learner! Cheers!

  8. Good luck Kathleen! Hope you and the staff are enjoying and learning from your amazing journey!

  9. Leah, my father is a Paleo-ichthyologist. He would loved to have had this amazing opportunity. Enjoy this incredible experience.

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