SAGEMAP - A GIS Database for Sage-grouse and Shrubsteppe Management in the Intermountain West

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We are continually seeking new data for SAGEMAP.  If you have data that you would like to make available from the SAGEMAP web, please let us know.
Picture of sagebrush near Arco, ID.  USGS.
Sagebrush landscape near Arco, ID.USGS

Welcome to the SAGEMAP website! 

The Snake River Field Station of the Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center developed and now maintains this database of the spatial information needed to address management of sage-grouse and sagebrush steppe habitats in the western United States.  This site is a portal for spatial data needed for research and management of sage-grouse and shrubsteppe systems. 

View the SAGEMAP Fact Sheet This link opens in a new window.

What's New:
  • Post-fire Seeding Effects on Federal Shrublands
    A new data set is now available: Vegetation and fuels data collected in 2010 and 2011 from historical emergency stabilization & rehabilitation seedings (1990 – 2003) on BLM lands within the Great Basin. This data set is supporting multiple research papers. Data and access to associated journal articles are available here.

  • Modeling ecological minimum requirements for distribution of greater sage-grouse leks: implications for population connectivity across their western range, U.S.A.
    This publication identifies attributes important for delineating habitats or modeling connectivity will facilitate conservation and management of landscapes important for supporting current and future sage-grouse populations and is available here.

  • Greater Sage-Grouse National Research Strategy
    The four-step process addressing information and science relating to the greater sage-grouse and its habitat across portions of 11 Western States is available here.

  • Wyoming Basin Ecoregional Assessmant
    Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Management: Ecoregional Assessment Tools and Models for the Wyoming Basins is available here.

  • Studies in Avian Biology monograph
    Ecology and Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse: A Landscape Species and Its Habitats is available here.

Most Requested Documents
Conservation Assessment of Greater Sage-grouse and Sagebrush Habitats
This is the first range-wide assessment of greater sage-grouse using the vast amount of population data collected over the past 60 years, habitat information spanning the last 100 years, and literature dating back 200 years.
Monitoring of greater Sage-grouse Habitats and Populations
The purpose of this report is to describe various techniques suitable for assessing sage-grouse habitat characteristics, monitoring sage-grouse populations, and capturing and marking sage-grouse.
BLM National Sage-Grouse Habitat Conservation Strategy
The Strategy uses sound science, draws on the BLM’s on-the-ground successes, and reinforces the importance of cooperating with States and other stakeholders to find not just one but many solutions to the challenge of conserving sagebrush habitats that benefit more than 350 species that depend on these habitats for all or part of their life cycles.
Keying in on Sage: A guide for identifying the four subspecies of big sagebrush
This paper provides an aid in the form of photographs and descriptions for identifying four generally accepted subspecies of big sagebrush.
Review of Livestock Grazing Management Literature Addressing Grazing Management for Sage-Grouse Habitat
This is an information reference that sage-grouse local working groups and land managers may utilize as they develop recommended grazing practices for promoting the conservation of sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats.
Synthesis of Livestock Grazing Management Literature Addressing Grazing Management for Greater Sage-Grouse Habitat in the Wyoming Basin - Southern Rocky Mountains Ecoregions
This is a synthesis of the literature review located above. This document is not intended to be an all-inclusive guide to grazing management in sage-grouse habitat, but rather an information reference that sage-grouse local working groups and land managers may utilize as they develop recommended grazing practices for promoting the conservation of sage-grouse and sagebrush habitats.
Surveying for Pygmy rabbits
This paper describes pygmy rabbit habitat, how to recognize and evaluate rabbit sign, an approach for organizing and conducting broad-scale surveys, and how to record data.
Guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats
This paper summarizes the current knowledge of the ecology of sage grouse and, based on this information, provides guidelines to manage sage grouse populations and their habitats.
Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse on Public Lands in the Western U.S.: Implications of Recovery and Management Policies

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Page Last Modified: 11/16/2016