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Commercial Fishing Reporting
Commercial Operator's Annual Reports (COAR)

By regulation, the COAR report is due by April 1, 2017 to ADF&G. Please have the COAR report postmarked by Monday April 3rd to avoid disruptions to your fishing operations. If you have any questions please call 907-465-6131 or email

About the COAR Report

The first buyer of raw fish, persons who catch and process fish, and persons who catch and have fish processed by another business are required to file an annual report of their purchasing and processing activities. This report is called the Commercial Operator's Annual Report (COAR) and is due by April 1 of the following year. The National Marine Fisheries Service also requires COAR reports from processing vessels operating in federal waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone.

The COAR reports contain data on seafood purchasing, production, and both exvessel and wholesale values of seafood products. The buying information from COAR is reported by species, area of purchase, condition of fisheries resources at the time of purchase, type of gear used in the harvest, pounds purchased, and exvessel value. The exvessel value in COAR includes any post-season adjustments or bonuses paid after the fish was purchased.

The production information from COAR is reported by species, area of processing, process type (frozen, canned, smoked, etc.), product type (fillets, surimi, sections, etc.), net weight of the processed product, and the first wholesale value.

COAR data can be compiled by ADF&G to meet specific requests. If you are interested in obtaining COAR data please contact the Seafood Industry Coordinator at or (907) 465-6131.


Area of Harvest for COAR Buying Forms

On the buying portion of the COAR use the statistical area of harvest for shore based facilities and at-sea operations. See below for an Excel translation table and area specific maps detailing COAR area of harvest based on ADF&G statistical areas.

Area of Processing for the COAR Production Forms

On the production section of the COAR use the COAR area of processing that corresponds to the port of processing. If unsure of a port’s COAR area of processing, use the translation table and map below. The at-sea fleet will used the area of harvest corresponding to the statistical area of harvest in lieu of the port-based area of processing (as they do not deliver to a port).

Additional Information on Electronic COAR