
Annual Report

Sandia's Perspectives report provides an overview of the labs, highlighting new programs, technologies, and community activities.


2012 Perspectives Cover

In this Issue

  • Letter from Paul Hommert
  • Our Mission
  • Sandia Core Values
  • Anticipate and Solve the Nation's Most Challenging National Security Problems
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Economic Impact
  • Cost Saving through Efficiency
  • Modernizing the U.S. Nuclear Deterrent
  • Accelerating Innovation for the Warfighter
  • Securing America's Energy & Environmental Future
  • Protecting Against the World's Most Dangerous Events
  • Trailblazing in Scientific Research
  • Community Leadership
  • Build a Career at Sandia

» Download (PDF, 4.29 MB)

iPad edition

Sandia Perspectives iPad Application

The Perspectives report is also available as part of Sandia’s digital publication library for the iPad, offering stunning images, videos, and insights into our cutting-edge national security work. Download the app to experience Sandia in a new way.