Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Professional Services

The services provided within the End User Service Line address the technology needs of individuals

ITS can provide professional level services to customers to answer needs for mission areas.

Service Description

Professional services are those services that customers seek in a consultant or technical service role. ITS professionals under this service may be highly experienced federal and contract employee experts. Many will have experience with existing services that ITS provides and as such can be valuable standalone assets available to customers.

What is included

  • Security Compliance Services
  • Portfolio and Service Catalog Development and Support
  • SLA and OLA Development and Support
  • Vendor Management Services
  • 508 Document Remediation
  • SharePoint Development and Support
  • Business Process Development and Documentation
  • Process Improvement
  • GAP Analysis for Business Models
  • Service Desk Design and Integration
  • Design, Integration and Deployment Services
  • Operational Security Support

How We Charge

Hourly Professional Services rates vary by the type of work. Travel costs are not included in the rates.

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
Availability of service will vary by the type of work Negotiable

Cost Savings Tips

  • Sharing of services across agencies to achieve maximum usage and efficiency.
  • Avoid greater costs associated with high priority service.
  • Engage project team early to document requirements.
  • Minimize changes during project delivery.
  • Avoid historical project cost estimation.
  • Ensure that all requirements are documented.

Additional Information

ITS is available to discuss the customization of professional service support.

Download the End User Services - Professional Services page from the ITS Service Catalog.