Office of the Chief Information Officer

United States Department of Agriculture

Security Governance

Service Description

NITC provides information and assurance that NITC services comply with mandatory security controls.

What's Included

  • FISMA compliance for NITC-provided services
  • Standards and guidelines, including minimum requirements, for providing adequate information security for all agency operations and assets
  • Supervision and oversight of NITC activity to ensure enforcement and monitor usage of information system access controls
  • Security controls review to enable more consistent, comparable, and repeatable assessments
  • Annual internal and 3rd party audits and assessments of security controls to determine overall control effectiveness
  • Risk Management Framework for security categorization, security control selection and implementation, control assessment, information system authorization, and control monitoring
  • More complete, reliable, and trustworthy information for organizational officials, to support security accreditation decisions, information sharing, and FISMA compliance

How We Charge


This critical value-added service is included with NITC Hosting Services.

Hosting services that include Security Governance:

Service Level Metrics

Measure Target SLA
Inquiry Response 8 x 5
Audit Results Annual
Control Inheritance Matrix Upon Request*
Control Descriptions Upon Request*

* Documentation provided is controlled and For Official use Only (FOUO)

Cost Saving Tips

Utilize a full complement of NITC services to obtain the most inheritable management controls

Relative Control Inheritance

Managed Hosting No No xxxx
  Yes No xxxxx
  Yes Yes xxxxxx
Infrastructure as a Service Yes Yes xxxxxxx
Platform as a Service Yes Yes xxxxxxxx

Additional Information

A full matrix of inheritable management controls that identifies which controls are potentially inheritable as part of NITC’s other hosting services is available upon request.

Download the Security Services - Security Governance page from the NITC Service Catalog.