Chairman Brady, GOP Leaders Unveil A #BetterWay to Fix Health Care

June 22, 2016 — Press Releases   

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) today joined Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), and leaders of the Health Care Reform Task Force at the American Enterprise Institute to unveil “A Better Way to Fix Health Care.” The plan marks the fifth pillar of House Republicans’ pro-growth agenda and the first official Conference-led roadmap for repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a 21st century, patient-centered health care system. 

Excerpts from Remarks
“Our approach is a step-by-step approach that takes care of every American at every stage of their life … we propose a health care backpack. A backpack that can travel with you throughout your life — from job to job, state to state, home to start a business or raise a family, and, if it’s a backpack and plan that works for you, into your retirement years as well.” 

“We create a monthly portable tax credit so that every American— for the first time— will have the freedom to choose a plan that’s right for them. And because we know health care lasts your entire lifetime, and we know Medicare is so important, we are proposing significant changes to save Medicare … so seniors can take that backpack into their retirement years as well, a time when they need those tools more than ever.”

CLICK HERE to read Chairman Brady’s USA Today op-ed about the health care “backpack.”
CLICK HERE to read the full report.
CLICK HERE to learn more about “A Better Way.”