Economic Information for Coastal Areas

BEA Regional Economic Statistics for Coastal Areas

BEA produces income and product statistics for regional geographies, including areas defined by NOAA as coastal. Coastal statistics are available using the menus below. Making a selection from any of the menus will open interactive data tables where other statistics can be accessed.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) also produces statistics for coastal areas, available at NOAA's State of the Coast web site.

Personal income by major source and earnings by industry, by coastal county

Personal income by major source and earnings by industry, by coastal state

Gross Domestic Product, by coastal state

Regional Input-Output Modeling System (RIMS II)

RIMS II logo

BEA's Regional Input-Output Modeling System, known as RIMS II, is a valuable tool for understanding the importance of the oceans and the Great Lakes to regional economies. RIMS II can assist public and private decision-makers by identifying the most effective ways to leverage the resources that the oceans and the Great Lakes provide, as well as identifying alternative uses of these natural assets. For instance, RIMS II can be used to compare the economic impact of infrastructure projects to improve beach access, estimate the impacts associated with increases in tourism and retail sales, and estimate the contribution of maritime industries to a regional economy.

The RIMS II model is customized for each customer's needs, and its output is available from BEA for a small processing fee. More information is available on the RIMS II website.