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Federal act established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs.


These allocations are a part of the state's Vocational Education Basic Grant Award from the U.S. Department of Education under the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.

Perkins Forms and Files

The forms and files page contains links to a variety of forms and resources to assist with specific tasks related to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006.

Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Forms and Files

The forms and files page contains links to a variety of forms and resources to assist with specific tasks related to the Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program.

Perkins Legislative Report

This legislative report page contains information on annual reports for Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 grant award.

Perkins Grant Management System

Application for Funding - Due annually on May 1
This is an electronic method to complete the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 Application for Funding, including the Budget/Expenditure Schedule.

Perkins Data System

CDE 101 E-1 - Due on October 15
Career technical education (CTE) Enrollment and Program Completion information is required from all regional occupational centers and programs (ROCPs) and each local educational agency (LEA) receiving Perkins funding, including agencies that are members of consortiums.

CDE 101 E-2 - Due annually on March 15
CTE placement information is required from all ROCPs and each LEA receiving Perkins funding, including agencies that are members of consortiums.

A PIN is required to input local data and can be obtained by sending an e-mail request to that includes the LEA's county-district number and the name, telephone number, and e-mail address of the local contact person.

Perkins Timeline

The Perkins timeline shows important due dates for local educational agency submissions of funding notices, applications, claims, and reports.

Perkins Resources

Information and useful resources for career technical education administrators, instructors and students.

Perkins/Career Technical Education Mailing List

Join the Perkins/Career Technical Education Mailing List to be notified via e-mail when new or updated information is available.

Perkins Contacts

List of staff contact information for the California Department of Education's Carl D. Perkins program.

Special Populations

Special populations address students who are disabled, economically disadvantaged, in nontraditional careers, single parents, displaced homemakers, English learners, and others.

Perkins State Leadership Activities

The Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 allows for 10 percent of the federal grant award to be spend on state leadership activities | DOC.

Questions:   Career Technical Education Administration and Management Office | | 916-324-5706
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 13, 2016
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