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Education and Outreach

With support from the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative, NREL's Solar Technical Assistance Team (STAT) develops a range of education and outreach materials to aid solar market growth at the state and local levels.


The popular STAT webinar series targets state policymakers and staff who are addressing solar market barriers. Past presentations are available for the following topics:

  • Solar 101—This series introduces policymakers to strategies for successfully implementing solar in their communities.

  • Hot Topics—These webinars cover timely issues that impact the solar market, such as finance, job creation, and regulatory strategies.

  • DIY Solar Market Analysis—These do-it-yourself webinars offer guided tours of solar tools that aid in assessing, analyzing, and optimizing market conditions.


The STAT Chat podcast talks with in-house solar energy experts at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and other photovoltaic industry professionals about PV technologies and market development. Series features including "Meet a Solar Expert," "Hot Topics," and "In the Field" aim to explore the who, what, where, and why behind changes happening in solar markets across the United States.

For more information on upcoming webinars, podcasts, and videos, sign up to receive updates from the STAT team.