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Cities-LEAP Energy Profile Tool Includes Energy Data on More than 23,400 U.S. Cities

Photo of Salt Lake City skyline with mountains in the background and solar panels in the forefront.

Did you know that cities consume approximately 70% of global energy? At the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, cities were recognized as having a significant role in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of city-sponsored policies, programs, and projects that influence building efficiency standards, urban planning, public transportation, and renewable power.

Historically, city energy decision-makers have had a tough time setting effective energy goals, identifying policies that support those goals, and measuring progress toward achieving energy goals due to a lack of information and credible data specific to their city. The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Cities Leading through Energy Analysis and Planning (Cities-LEAP) program, led by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)—is working to change that.

Through Cities-LEAP, NREL has collected and analyzed exhaustive energy data from more than 20 comprehensive data sources to create tools to help city leaders make better informed energy decisions.

The new City Energy Profiles, now available within DOE's State and Local Energy Data website, provide estimates of electricity and natural gas consumption and expenditures by sector and on-road vehicle fuel use and vehicle miles traveled in 23,400+ U.S. cities. City profiles also provide actual data on the fuel types, including alternative fuels and the average fuel economy of vehicles registered in each city.

The site will soon include a City Energy Action Toolbox to support cities in taking energy-related actions. By this summer, the City Energy Profiles will also include estimated data for each city on greenhouse gas emissions, photovoltaic potential on small buildings, commercial and residential building stock characterizations, and commercial and industrial activity in addition to providing downloadable data sets.

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