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Your Money. Your Story.

Mortgages. Credit cards. Student loans. Credit scores. Fine print. We want to hear about your experiences with money and financial services, good and bad. The CFPB is listening.

Tell your story

Your Money. Your Story.

Have a complaint about a financial product or service?

Submit a complaint and we will forward it to the company and work to get a response from them.

Submit a complaint  

Have a money question?

Get answers to frequently asked financial questions about student loans, credit cards, mortgages, credit scores and reporting, getting out of debt and more.


Who we are

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is an independent government agency that makes sure the banks and other financial service providers you depend on operate fairly. We also help educate consumers about financial products and services to ensure you have the information you need to make informed decisions.

Your stories help us understand what’s happening in the financial world. Since we began in 2011, we’ve helped return $4 billion to American consumers as a result of our enforcement actions. Your stories help us to do that—your stories matter.

Learn more about how the CFPB helps 

Here’s how telling your story works:

  1. You tell your story

    We want to hear from you about positive or negative experiences you’ve had with the financial products and services in your life.

  2. We read your story

    Someone at the CFPB will read your story. We take steps to protect your personal information, and your story is never shared with the public without your permission.

  3. Your story helps others

    The more we hear from you, the more insight we gain into what’s happening in the financial world and how it’s affecting you. We see trends and work to head off problems. Learn about our recent enforcement actions.

Have a story to share with the CFPB?

Tell your story