
Visits to Museums & Zoo

Visits to Museums & Zoo

Number of visits by the public to the Smithsonian’s museums and zoo. Our facilities are located in the Nation’s Capital and New York City. The Institution has kept official visit statistics for more than 130 years.

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.


Objects & Specimens

Library Volumes

Archival Cubic Feet

Smithsonian Collection Holdings

Smithsonian holdings include museum, zoo, archive, and library collections that are acquired, preserved, and maintained for public exhibition, education, and research. The breadth of Smithsonian collections is immense -- from the smallest gnat to the Space Shuttle Discovery to the Lansdowne portrait of George Washington. si.edu/collections


Facebook Fans

Twitter Followers

YouTube Views

Social Media

The Smithsonian uses a wide range of social media platforms to engage audiences around the globe. Activity for Smithsonian accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube is reflected below. In addition to these three sites, we have an active presence on many other platforms including Instagram, Tumblr, and Pinterest. Please connect with us at si.edu/connect.


Website Visitors

Website Visitors

Number of people who visited Smithsonian public websites in the most recent fiscal year.

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.


Peer-Reviewed Research Publications

Peer-Reviewed Research Publications

Total count of peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters & other significant research publications authored by Smithsonian staff. Reported by calendar year.
Visit research.si.edu


People Served by
Educational Programs

People Served by Educational Programs

Number of individuals who have participated in Smithsonian on-site educational offerings (such as docent-led exhibit tours); formal digital learning opportunities (such as online conferences); or special events (such as the annual Folklife Festival on the National Mall).

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.


Museum Objects & Specimens
Represented by Digital Images

Collections Objects Digitized

Number of objects and specimens in Smithsonian holdings for which digital photos or other digital surrogates have been created. The Smithsonian has a massive digitization program underway, with goals of producing electronic records for all 138 million objects and specimens in our museum collections, plus digital images or other surrogates for a prioritized 12 percent of the total.




Federal Appropriations


from Trust Fund Sources

Smithsonian Budget

Established in 1846, the Smithsonian is a Trust Instrumentality of the United States. The Smithsonian receives over 60% of its funding from Federal Appropriations and the balance from trust funds. Trust funding sources include restricted and unrestricted private gifts, payouts from the Endowment, Grants & Contracts, business income, and memberships contributions.

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.


Endowment Value

Endowment Value

English scientist James Smithson’s bequest, accepted by Congress in 1835, founded the Smithsonian Institution “for the increase and diffusion of knowledge” and established the first endowed fund. Today, the Endowment consists of over 540 individual funds which are invested as one pool to provide vital support to Smithsonian endeavors.

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.




On-Site Volunteers



Total on-board employee count, which includes federal government employees (roughly 60%), employees funded through the Smithsonian trust, and employees in the Panamanian employment system. For information about careers at the Smithsonian, please visit si.edu/ohr


Private Funds Raised

Private Funds Raised

"Private funds raised" includes unrestricted and restricted gifts from individuals, foundations and corporations during the fiscal year. The Smithsonian is grateful for all of our donors; every gift makes a difference. To learn about the importance of philanthropy to our work and how you can contribute, please visit: smithsoniancampaign.org

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.


Sponsored Projects, Grants and Contracts Awarded

Sponsored Projects, Grants and Contracts Awarded

Every year, Smithsonian scholars apply or compete for additional support beyond federal appropriations from foundations, governmental agencies, private corporations and individual donors. This metric represents the dollar amount of grants and contracts awarded or allotted during the fiscal year.

Federal fiscal year (FY) runs from October 1st through September 30th.