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GIS and Archeology (Stanford University)
Business and GIS (Stanford University)
GIS and the Humanities (Stanford University)
Spatial Humanities (IUPUI)
GIS in Transportation (AASHTO)
Websites for GIS Health Data (Stanford University)

Crime Mapping


GIS software can be used to analyze patterns of crime. See the Department of Justice for additional crime mapping links.
Crime Mapping and Analysis (GIS Lounge)
Criminal Justice Resources - Crime Mapping (Michigan State University)
GIS in Public Safety (ESRI)
GIS for Crime Mapping (Maptitude)
Crime Mapping (Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science)
International Association of Crime Analysts
Crimestat Software
Jerry Ratcliffe's Home Page
The Police Foundation
Crime Mapping & Problem Analysis Laboratory
Electronic Library
Mapping and Analysis for Public Safety (MAPS) (USDOJ)
Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice (PDF)
Mapping Crime: Understanding Hot Spots (PDF)
Spatial Analysis of Crime (PDF)
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) (USDOJ)
Resource Center
Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers ... In 60 Small Steps (PDF)
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)
GIS Resources at NACJD
Analysts Corner (blogtalkradio)

Geographic Profiling

Geographic Profiling (Environmental Criminology Research, Inc.)
Geographic Profiling (Royal Canadian Mounted Police)
Geographic Profiling (NIJ)
Geographic Profiling Hype or Hope (PDF)
Dragnet (Center for Investigative Psychology/David Canter)
Rigel (ECRI)

Data Journalism

Journalists are increasingly incorporating maps, charts, and statistics in their reporting.


Data Journalism Handbook

Decision Support/Participatory Mapping

GIS software is increasingly being used for decision analysis in a collaborative environment.

Decision Support

Collaborative Spatial Decision-Making (NCGIA)
Geocollaboration (Penn State)
Risk Assessment and Decision Support (Penn State)
Multi-Criteria Analysis
Chief Kerry's Moose: A Guidebook to Land Use and Occupancy Mapping, Research Design, and Data Collection (PDF)

Concepts of Operations

GIS Standard operating Procedures on Incidents (National Wildfire Coordinating Group)
Homeland Security Geospatial Concept of Operations
Common Land Unit (Farm Service Agency)
Common Land Unit - GIS in Emergency Preparedness and Response (Farm Service Agency)

Participatory Mapping

A Guide to Using Community Mapping and Participatory GIS (PDF)
Field Guide for Humanitarian Mapping (MapAction) (PDF)
Good Practices in Participatory Mapping (PDF)
Green Map System (Green mapping)
Jane goodall's roots & shoots
Handbook on Participatory Land Use Planning
Parish Maps (Common Ground)
Toolbox and Manual: Mapping the Vulnerability of Communities (Salzburg University Center for Geoinformatics) (PDF)
Maps for Advocacy: An Introduction to Geographic Mapping Techniques (Tactical Technology Collective) (zip)
Pacific Cultural Mapping, Planning, and Policy toolkit
Participatory Mapping: A Review
Participatory Three-Dimensional Modelling: Guiding Principles and Applications
Integrated Approaches to Participatory Development
Participatory Mapping Toolbox

Volunteered Geographic Information/User Generated Information

Volunteered geographic information and user generated/scraped information provide interesting possibilities for the generation of new and interesting products.

Volunteered Geographic Information (Los Alamos, Vespucci Institute, Army Research Office, NCGIA)
Volunteered Geographic Information Workshop (USGS)
OpenStreetMap Collaborative Prototype, Phase One (USGS)
Structures Data Collection for The National Map using Volunteered Geographic Information (USGS)
Geographic Context Analysis of Volunteered Information
The Great Pop Versus Soda Controversy
The Neighborhood Project
Flickr Shapedata
The Shape of Alpha
Social Weather Mapping with Twitter
Social Weather Mapping From Google Chrome Experiment
Google Map Maker
Map Makerpedia
Walking Papers
Glow - How Do You Feel?
History Pin

Geocomputation/Spatial Analysis

GeoComputation involves the computational aspects of geographical analysis. It includes research in exploratory spatial data analysis, geographic visualization, applications of artificial intelligence to geography, distributed computing, and parallel computing.

Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS)
Spatial Tools Search Engine (CSISS)
Spatial Tools Links to Portals (CSISS)
Centre for Computational Geography (University of Leeds)
Concepts and Techniques in Modern Geography (CATMOG)
The Data Mine
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery References
France, Reconstructed from Apparently Inadequate Data (Strange Maps)
Fuzzy Logic
Geographically Weighted Regression
Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing
Geometry Algorithms
Geospatial Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide FAQ
Graph Theory Tutorial
AI-GEOSTATS Guide to Software
gstat Geostatistical Software
A Practial Guide to Geostatistical Mapping
GeoVISTA Studio Software (Penn State)
PCRaster (Dynamic Raster Modeling)
Population Analysis Software Group
Spatial Analysis and Decision Assistance
SpatStat (Open Source Spatial Statistics)
System for Automated Geospatial Analysis - SAGA (Open Source Geospatial Analysis)
TerraSeer (SpatioTemporal Pattern Analysis)
Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction plus Error (VESPER)
VisuMap (High Dimensional Data Visualization)


Geodemographics links demographic data with geography to develop profiles of people living in a specific area. This section includes non-Government sites dealing with the census as well as geodemographic vendors. See the Census Bureau listings for Government sites related to the census and reapportionment/redistricting.


Social Explorer
Synthesized Population Data (MIDAS)


Decision Making Information: Census 2000 (Proximity)
Census Data (ESRI)
By the Numbers (USA Today)
GeoLytics Census Data
Local Census
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)


Gerrymandering (Center for Voting and Democracy)
Spotting Bushmanders (University of Chicago Press)

Redistricting Software

Districting for ArcGIS (ESRI)
Maptitude for Redistricting (Caliper)
Complete Solutions for Redistricting (DeskMap Systems, Inc.)

Geodemographic Data Vendors

SiteReports (Nielsen)
PolicyMap (Pushpin)
SimplyMap (Geographic Research, Inc.)


Spatially Enabling the data: What is geocoding? (Tele Atlas)
Geocoding Applications (USC)
Geocoding (Texas A&M)
Geocoding Applications (Pitney Bowes Mapinfo)
iBegin Geocoder (
Map Your Own Data (Maptitude) (Free geocoder)
Bulk Geocoder
Geocoding Tool (MAPSYS.INFO)
Street Address to Coordinates (Data Science Toolkit)

Geospatial Semantic Web

The semantic web allows machines to understand the meaning of information on the web. Technologies assosiated with the semantic web include the Resrouce Description Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

GeoNames Ontology

Geographic Text Analysis


Workshop on the Analysis of Geographic References (NAACL)
Toponym Resolution in Text (Jochen Leidner)
MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS Georeferencing Calculator
MaNIS/HerpNet/ORNIS Georeferencing Guidelines
Mapping and Text

Entity Extraction Systems

These systems extract persons, places, organizations, time, and other information from free text.

Named Entity Recognition (Wikipedia)
Natural Language Toolkit
General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) (University of Sheffield Natural Language Processing)
Identifinder (BBN)
LingPipe (aliasi)
Rosette Entity Extractor (Basis Technology)

Geotagging systems

These systems both extract names from text and assign coordinate values to the names.

Clavin (Berico Technologies)
NetOwl (SRA)
Placemaker (Yahoo! Geo Technologies)
Unlock - texts (University of Edinburgh)

Landscape Analysis

Landscape analysis attempts to understand the landscape by measuring the size, shape, distribution, and relationships among features and on the terrain.

Bibliography of Terrain Modeling (Geomorphometry) 2002 (USGS)
ANUDEM (Australian National University)
Directional Statistics (Oriana)
Fragstats Home Page (University of Massachusetts)
Geomorphological Characterisation of Digital Elevation Models (University of Leicester)
Patch Analyst
Pattern Analysis, Spatial Statistics and Geographic Exegesis (Passage)
Spatial Hydrology

Mobile Mapping

Mobile/field mapping applications are becoming increasingly popular as cellphone, handheld, and palm top computers become cheaper and more powerful. Navigation and map display applications typically link a GPS receiver with a map display for location and/or routing applications.


Handheld/Wireless GIS Software (GeoCommunity)
OziExplorer Web Site
Teletype GPS - Handheld Navigation Display

Location-Based Services

Mobile Wireless Services Channel (GeoCommunity)
Nav4All - Free GPS navigation on your mobile phone!

Social Location Sharing


Data Collection

GIS systems require accurate feature and attribute information. This information can come from existing maps, Global Positioning System (GPS) collection systems, or imagery (using photogrammetry or remote sensing). Web cameras provide a handy source of real-time imagery.

Digitizing Software

Digitizing software allows users to collect spatial data from maps.

CartaLinx (Idrisi)
Didger (Golden Software) - Digitizing Software
R2V Raster to Vector Conversion Software (Able Software)
Vector Magic - Online Vectorization (Stanford University)
WinTopo - Raster to Vector Conversion

Digitizing Hardware

Digitizing hardware includes digitizing tablets and scanners.


Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of satellites and ground stations that are used for precise positioning. The technology is finding a role in navigation, precision farming, and GIS data collection.


The general GPS web sites provide pointers to GPS and related technology overviews and tutorials. Galileo (European) and GLONASS (Russian) are positioning system alternatives to GPS.

Global Positioning System Overview (Peter Dana)
Global Positioning System (GPS) Resources - Sam Wormley
Guide to GPS Positiong (University of New Brunswick)
Useful GPS Information (

GPS Organizations

These sites provide pointers to Government sites with GPS missions.
National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Executive Committee
Federal Aviation Administration Satellite Navigation
Global Positioning Systems Wing

GPS Vendors

These sites provide pointers to commercial vendors of GPS products.

Garmin GPS
Magellan GPS
Navtech Seminars and GPS Supply
NovAtel (GPS solutions)
Sokkia (GPS solutions)

GPS Data Collection Software

GPS systems can be used to collect feature and attribute information in the field. The sites listed below provide data collection software for GPS systems.

GPS Data Collection Software (Windmill Software)
StarPal - Handheld GIS - mobile mapping solutions

GPS Data Conversion

GPS data can be converted for other GPS receivers or mapping software.


Indoor Mapping

Indoor mapping uses technologies to map the insides of buildings and complexes.

Google Mapping the Indoors
Indoor Mapping (Trimble)
Mapping the Great Indoors (micello)
Indoor Maps (Bing)
Point Inside


Photogrammetry is the science of precise measurements of locations from imagery. Typical photogrammetric products include feature data, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), and orthophotos.

inpho GmbH
Photogrammetric Software and Hardware (KLT Associates)
Geospatial eXploitation Products (BAE Systems)

Remote Sensing

Remote sensing analyzes the spectral information in imagery to extract features.


Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing (University of Colorado)
Remote Sensing Resources (American Museum of Natural History)
Remote Sensing (NASA)
Useful Remote Sensing Links (Furman)
Remote Sensing Resources (CIESEN)
GeoImaging - The Source for Earth Imaging Information (GeoCommunity)
Satellites (NOAA)
Data Fusion Server - Data Fusion in Remote Sensing


ENVI (ITT Visual Information Solutions)
ERDAS Imagine (Intergraph)
ER Mapper (Hexagon Geospatial)
MrSid Image Compression (LizardTech)
PCI Geomatics

Imagery Collection/Analysis

Aerial Data Service, Inc.
Applied Analysis, Inc.
ASL Remote Sensing
Floatograph Technologies
Grassroots Mapping
Kite Aerial Photography
Point of View
swinglet CAM (senseFly)
Unmanned Glider Imaging

Sensor Web

Sensors are being georefenced and made accessible thorugh a variety of technologies.


These sites contain pointers to general information on the sensor web and sensor web-related projects.

Sensor Web (Wikipedia)
Sensor Web (NASA)
Volcano Sensor Web (JPL)


These sites contain pointers to specifications and documentation related to the Sensor Web. The Sensor Web Enablement Working Group page contains links to individual specifications in the family of specifications. Sensor Web Enablement Working Group (OGC)
Sensor Model Language - SensorML (OGC)
Introduction to SensorML (UAH)
Sensor Observation Services - SOS (OGC)
Sensor Planning Service - SPS (OGC)
Transducer Markup Language (TML) (OGC)
Observations & Measurements - O&M (OGC)


These sites contain technology for connecting sensors and the web.

Web Cameras/GPS Cameras/GeoImages

Web Cameras or webcams are an excellent source of real-time geographic knowledge.

Web Cam Locators

These sites contain pointers to webcams.

EarthCam - Webcam Network
Webcams Around the World (Fox News)
Geology Webcams (
WebCam Central

GPS-Enabled Camera Systems

These sites contain pointers to digital cameras linked to GPS receivers, as well as software.

GeoMovie (Magic Instinct Software)
Contour GPS Video Mapping (Contour)
GeoSpatial Experts
Red Hen Multimedia Mapping Products


These sites contain images useful for understanding geography.

Cities and Buildings (University of Washington)
Earth From Space (NASA)
Earth Science Picture of the Day (Universities Space Research Consortium)
Picture Library (Royal Geographical Society)

Displaying Photographs on Maps

These sites display geotagged photographs on a map or street view.
Panoraimo World Map
What Was There

Single Image Geolocation

These sites automatically provide information on geolocation from a single image.

Google Image Search
IM2GPS (Carnegie Mellon University)

GIS Data

Data is the heart of any GIS system and often the bulk of the expense in developing a working application.


These web sites provide pointers to data as well as sources of data, primarily within the US. Additional information can be found for the individual agencies listed in the Federal Government listings.

Search Engines

Data and Services (FGDC)

Other Guides and Listings

A Comprehensive Guide to State and Nationwide GeoData Clearinghouses for the United States (Directions Magazine)
Free GIS Data (Nicely organized set of links)
Data sets: A list in flux (Citizen Statistician)
American Digital Cartography, Inc.
Jan S. Krogh's GeoSite (Border, enclave info)
Business Resources: Business Statistics (PolicyExpert)
CensusCD+Maps (GeoLytics)
Data Download by Country (DIVA-GIS)
DEM Data Sources (Esri)
earthguide.maps (UCSD)
East View Cartographic
Expert Business Resources: Business Statistics (PolicyExpert)
Free GIS Data and Map Layers (
Global Population Statistics (GeoHive)
Geospatial Resources (Humboldt State University)
The GIS Data Depot (Geocommunity)
Alexandria Digital Library
Global Administrative Areas (
cshapes - Historical Maps of State Boundaries Post WW II (nils weidmann)
Global Roads Data (CIESIN)
Guide To On-line U.S. Geospatial and Attribute Data (CAST - University of Arkansas)
Historical Marker Database (
Land Info
Last of the Wild: Human Footprint (SEDAC)
Gridded Population of the World (SEDAC)
LandScan Global Population Database (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Libre Map Project (Free Data)
Natural Earth (Free cartographic vector and raster data)
On-Line Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps
Open Topography (National Science Foundation)
Postal Information Resources ( (French language)
Population Density and Urbanization (United Nations)
Postal/Zip Codes (GeoCommunity)
Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (Columbia University)
Wild World Ecoregion Information (National Geographic/World Wild Life Fund)
World Database of Large urban Areas 1950-2050 (nordpil)


ISO/TC211 - Geographic information/Geomatics
Overview of some relevant standards from ISO/TC 211 (Solid Earth and Environmental Grid)
Open Geospatial Consortium
GIS Data Formats (GeoCommunity)
GIS File Formats
Location Resource Formats (
Digital Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG)
Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE)
SDTS - The Spatial Data Transfer Standard (GeoCommunity)
SDTS - The Spatial Data Transfer Standard Information Site (USGS)
Synthetic Environment Data Representation & Interchange Specification (SEDRIS)
Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats


Metadata is 'data about data.' It describes the contents, areal coverage, format, lineage, and source of a spatial data set.

FGDC and USGS Metadata Sites

Geospatial Metadata (FGDC)
Frequently-asked questions on FGDC metadata
Metadata Publications
Metadata in Plain Language
Geospatial Metadata Validation Service

Other Metadata Sites

Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog
GeoNetwork - Download
EPA Metadata Editor
Metadata Training Resources
Geographic Information Metadata (INTA)
Sailing Through Coastal Metadata (NOAA Coastal Services Center) (PDF)
Metadata Primer (University of Wisconsin)
Metadata Tools for Geospatial Data (University of Wisconsin)
Metadata Workbook On-Line



Geotagging (Wikipedia)
Geographic registration of HTML Documents
Yahoo! GeoPlanet
Yahoo! GeoPlanet Explorer


Microformats - Part 0: Introduction (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 1: Structured Data Chaos (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 2: The Fundamental Types (Alex Faaborg)
Microformats - Part 3: Introducing Operator (Alex Faaborg)
Tutorials on Microformats

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF)

The EXIF format can be used to geocode photographic images. It is a standard developed by the Japan Electronics and Information Technologies Association. Coordinate information can be added to EXIF files using GPS at the time the photo is taken, or can be edited at a later time using software. (Unofficial EXIF site)
EXIF (Wikipedia)
Geocoded Photograph: Includes EXIF Software (Wikipedia)
Jeffrey's Exif Viewer

Other Formats

ICBM (Wikipedia)
Basic Geo Vocabulary (W3C)
Geo Tag Elements
Wikipedia Template: Coord

Identifiers and Concordances

Where On Earth Identifier (WOEID)
GeoPlanet Concordance (Yahoo)
Yahoo! GeoPlanet Explorer

GeoTagged Images

These sites link geotags to images or provide capabilities to geocode images.

Geotagging Flickr
Geotagging Photos
SmugMug Maps
woophy (World of Photography)
HoudahGeo (for Mac)
Geotagging Etiquette

Physical Coding/Tagging

These sites link sites relating to matrix barcodes or symbols which are readable by scanners, mobile phones, and smartphones. Often they can link directly to URLs.

QR Code (Wikipedia)
QR Code Generator (Kaywa)
QR Stuff
BeeTagg (Wikipedia)
BeeTagg QR System
Data Matrix (Wikipedia)
Data Matrix Generator
Semacode (Wikipedia) Blog
Aztec Code (Wikipedia)


Data Science Toolkit (IP to Coordinates, Coordinates to Political Areas, Places in Text, etc.)
Geo-Tag Validator
geo:truc (Outputs multiple formats)
Address Fix (Generates tags for address or location)


Elevation Data

DEM Resources (GeoCommunity)
Bathymetry, Topography & Global Relief
Global Land One-km Base Elevation (GLOBE Project) NOAA
Global Topography (Scripps Institute)
GTOPO 30 Elevation Data (EROS Data Center) USGS
Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer - Aster (JPL)
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (JPL)
Elevation Products
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Updates (GeoCommunity)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (NASA)
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (USGS)

Orthophoto Data

Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (USGS)
A Primer on Working with DOQs (GeoCommunity)

Street Network Data

Street network data provides information on the road system.

roadnet technologies

Topographic Data

Topographic maps provide general information about the landscape and use contours to portray the terrain. The primary producer of topographic maps in the United States is the U.S. Geological Survey.


These sites provide general information about topographic maps.

Topographic Maps (
USGS Topographic Maps
Finding and Ordering USGS Topographic Maps
Introduction to Topographic Maps (Idaho State University)
Topo 101 - Topographic Maps, The Basics (Natural Resources Canada)
Landforms on Topographic Maps

Digital Data/Software

These sites provide digital versions of topographic maps. See Topographic Maps under on-line mapping for on-line topographic maps.

ChartTIFF Geos - Scanned Topo Maps
TopoMaker from ChartTIFF (Fee-Based On-line Topo Map Printing)
Digital Raster Graphics (DRG) USGS Scanned Topographic Map
MapTech Land - Digital Topographic Maps
Topo North America (DeLorme)

Electronic Charts

Electronic charts are rapidly replacing the traditional paper nautical chart.
Electronic Navigational Charts (NOAA)
Geospatial Information & Services Maritime Navigation Handbook


Imagery is an increasingly popular form of source data. The successful launches of a series of high resolution satellites will increase the availability of imagery.

Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc. (Field Spectral Radiometers)
European Space Agency
ImageSat International
MDA - Radarsat Data
Red Hen Systems, Inc. - Video Mapping Systems
ResMap (Free Satellite Imagery)
SPOT Image (Toulouse, FR)


Gazetteers list place names along with their coodinates and descriptions.
Place Name Sites (Arizona State)
Countries - Searchable Geographical names Data Bases (United Nations)
Geographic Names on the Internet (PCGN)
Australian Geographic Place Names
Columbia Gazetteer of the World
dbPedia (Sructured information from Wikipedia)
Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature (International Astronomical Union)
Geonames (
GEOnet Names Server (NGA)
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
Global Gazetteer (Falling Rain Genomics, Inc.)
Canada's Geographical Names
United Nations LOCODE
Mountain Peak Name Search (Peakware World Mountain Encyclopedia)
Unlock - places (University of Edinburgh)
Place Names (Ordnance Survey)
World Gazetteer
Voice of America
Pronunciation Guide
Pronouncing British Place names
Oxford BBC Guide to Pronunciation
MISS PRONOUNCER.COM (Wisconsin names)
List of names in English with counterintuitive pronunciations (Wikipedia)
The United States Board on Geographic Names
Foreign Names
Domestic Names
Principles, Policies, and Procedures (PDF)
Geographical Names Board of Canada
Guiding principles for geographical naming
Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British Official Use
Committee for Geographical Names of Australasia
Guidelines for the Consistent Use of Place Names
Glossary of Generic Terms
New Zealand Geographic Board
Frameworks of the New Zealand Geographic Board
Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research)
Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica
International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS)
Council of Geographic Names Authorities (COGNA)
United Nations - Group of Experts on Geographical Names
Consistent Use of Place Names
National Authorities for Geographical Names
Names Authorities Web Site Links
National Toponymic Guidelines
Searchable Geographical Names Databases
Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names
Manual for the national standardization of geographical names (UNGEGN)
Media Kit
A Selective Bibliography of International Web Sites Relating to Toponyms, Anthroponyms and Miscellaneous Name Sites: For use in Conducting Onomastic Research (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Geonames (Blog)
ICA Course on Toponymy
Toponymic Terminology Glossary (United Nations)
Teaching Through Toponymy: Using Indigenous Place-names in Outdoor Science Camps (Heikkila)


GIS data comes in many formats, including proprietary and public domain formats. Data conversion is commonly required to make maximum use of available data.

GeoKettle (
SAFE Software
Mr. Data Converter
Talend Spatial Module
Zamzar (Online file format conversion)

Data Cleaning

Data cleaning tools are used to 'clean up' data files, doing such things as standardizing values, removing extraneous records, etc..

OpenRefine (formerly Google refine)
DataWrangler (Stanford visualization Group)
Data Match (Data Ladder)
Data Science Toolkit

GIS Services

Consulting/Data Generation

These companies provide GIS consulting and/or data generation services.

Analytical Surveys, Inc.
Fugro EarthData, Inc.
Field Consulting & Services, Inc. (GE Smallworld Consulting & Services)
G-Squared, L.L.C. - Photogrammetric Services
Geotech Computer Systems
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.
HJW GeoSpatial, Inc.
James W. Sewall Company
Merrick & Co. (Geospatial)
Mosaik Solutions
Orbis Directions Consulting Ltd.
Sanborn Map Company
Spatial Effects
Spatial Insights, Inc.
Tetra Tech
VESTRA Resources, Inc.


GIS skills are increasingly in demand in the job market. These sites are for both employees and employers.


The General job section includes a career brochure published by ACSM, as well as various clearinghouses and job search companies.

Careers in Cartography (British Cartographic Society)
Careers in Cartography and GIS
Geospatial Career Brochure (ASPRS)
Careers in the GIS (Blog)
MapPros! Careers in Geospatial Technologies
GeoCommunity Career Center
GIS Job Clearinghouse
Job Listing Sites in GIS (GIS Lounge)
Working in the Map Industry (British Cartographic Society)


Many GIS specialists are employed as cartographers, geographers, and physical scientist in the Federal Government. The Qualification Standards provide information on skills and abilities required to qualify for positions, while the Position Classification Standards are used to establish the working levels for the various positions. The FedScope site is an interesting site which provides detailed information on the Federal Workforce broken down by a large number of variables, such as job series, agency, sex, salary, age, etc.

Geospatial Competency Model
High Growth Industry Profile - Geospatial Technology (US Department of Labor)
Geospatial Workforce Development (NGAC)
Qualification Standards for General Schedule Positions (Includes Geographer and Cartographer)
Position Classification Standard for Geography Series, GS-0150 (PDF)
Job Family Position Classification Standard for Professional Work in the Physical Science Group, GS-1300 (Includes Cartographers) (PDF)
FedScope Employment Data Cubes
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Careers


There are several certification options open to GIS professionals.

GIS Certification Institute (GISCI)
ASPRS Certification Program
ESRI Technical Certification
Ordnance Survey Accreditation
USGIF Geospatial Intelligence


This section lists topics which may be of interest to GIS users.


These sites contain GIS bibliographies or collections of literature.
GIS Open Files (AAPG)
Bibliographies (GIS Lounge)
Library (ESRI)
Geo-Spatial/GIS Library and White Papers (GeoCommunity)
Literature Search of Spatial Analysis in the Social Sciences (CSISS)
National Academies Board on Earth Science and Resources Reports (Geography)

Print Publications

There are an increasing number of publications related to GIS.

GIS Journals and Other Publications (NCSU)
Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications - Online Version of Wiley Book
American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Publications
Canadian Geographic
The Cartographic Journal
Current Geographical Publications
Geoscience Data Journal
GIS Development
GPS World
Imaging Notes
Imago Mundi
Journal of Geographical Systems
Journal of the International Map Collector's Society
Journal of Spatial Science
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS)
Terrae Incognitae - Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries
Transactions in GIS

Electronic Publications/On-Line News

Electronic publications, with no print equivalent, are now appearing.

Netzines (GIS Lounge)
Directions Magazine (Directions Media)
Geography in the News (Royal Geographical Society)
Geospatial Solutions
ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies
International Journal of Health Geographics
The Journal of Maps
Location Intelligence (Directions Media)
MP2K. The Magazine for Microsoft MapPoint
Parsons Journal for Information Mapping

Television Programs

Lost at Sea: The Search for Longitude (NOVA)
The Viking Deception (NOVA)



Podcasts on GIS (GIS Lounge)
A Very Spatial Podcast
Directions Magazine
ESRI Speaker Series Podcasts
Geospatial Revolution (Penn State Public Broadcasting)
USGS CoreCast
Data Stories

You Tube Channels

Esri Education Team
FME Channel
FME Guru
Intergraph Corporation
ITT Exelis Geospatial Image and Data Analysis Software


ASPRS Videos
GIS Video Library (A M Productions, Inc.)
The Impossible Map (National Film Board - Canada)
The Question, What is a Map? Is More Relevant than Ever (Frederick Reuss)


Cartography deals with the art and science of making maps. Cartography is moving rapidly from the traditional paper map to on-line, interactive map displays.


These are general cartographic web sites.

Cartographic Reference Resources (Texas)
42 or 363 Definitions of Cartography
Making Sense of Maps
Map- and Chart-Making: The Art and Science of Cartography (Rice)
Map-Related Web Sites (University of Texas)
The Mathematics of Cartography (Rice)
Top 8 Atlases (
Kanetix Travel Guide to Cartographic Resources

Unusual Maps

This section highlights unusual maps and cartifacts, which are non-map objects with maps printed on them.

Carto-Maine-ia: Puzzles and Wraps and Oddball Maps
A Phenomenology of Cartifacts
Cartifact Gallery of Jan Smits
Time for New Plates (Spatial Sustain)
Geographical Fun - Cartoon Maps
Humorous Maps - Cartoon Maps (Dutch language site)
Abstract City
350 - Accidental Maps: Cartocacoethes or Blatant Pareidolia? (big think)
494 - Accidental Maps: It's a Dog-nosed World: Accidental Cartography Revisited (big think)
593 - Accidental Maps: Greenland by Way of a Drainpipe (big think)
Twelve Animals
Cartography's Favourite Map Monster: the Land Octopus
Maps Come Alive (streetsofsalem)
City Size Comparison
How big is Afghanistan?
BBC Dimensions
MAPfrappe (overlay different geographical features) (overlay different geographical features)
Scents and the City (NY Times)
How to: Make Your Own Scratch-And-Sniff Map
Population, Density, Area Comparison
Mental Maps (JB Krygier)
Mapping Weird Stuff (JB Krygier)
Emotional Cartography: Technologies of the Self
The Upside Down Map Page
Pictorial Maps (George Glazer Gallery)
Ohio is a Piano
New York Subway Map as Musical Instrument (Map Room)
opte project - Maps of the Internet
Radical Cartography
Spatial Unmapped (GIS Lounge)
Map Cakes (Gretchen Peterson)
Map Cookies (Gretchen Peterson)
Typographic Maps (Spatial Analysis)
Typographic Maps (Cartogrammer)
Typographic Maps II (Cartogrammer)
Word Maps | Words on Maps | Map Typography (DIY Cartography)
Puzzle and Game Maps (BibliOdyssey)
Map Fold-Outs
Where is China?
Google Maps: Wishing you a happy April Fools!
Cartographic Valentine Maps (Cartophilia)
The Shape of Flickr Nation
Al Franken Draws a Map of the United States from Memory
Your Body is a Wondermap ZipScribble Maps

Maps and the Arts

This section highlights maps in the arts and literature.


Literary Selections on Cartography
G.J. Demko's Landscapes of Crime
Map Quotations (History of Cartography)
GIS Quotes (GIS Lounge)
Maps in Literature (University of Bologna)
Maps on News Websites (Online Journalism Blog)
GeoCoded Art

Telling Map Stories

GeoStories (National Geographic)
Storytelling with Maps (Esri)
Telling Compelling Stories with Numbers: Data Visualization and Communication (Stephen Few)

Graphic Arts

40 Creative Remakes of the World Map
Flying Carpet - Public Art
Butterflies Made from Maps (Image Surgery)
Christoph Niemann Google Map Manipulations
Geospatial Art (Nikolas Schiller)
Map Coasters
Map Cuts (studio k)
Map Paintings (Rachel Ann Austin)
Map Works (Susan Stockwell)
Maps (Heidi Neilson)
On the Map - Artists Inspired by Maps
Six Contemporary Artists Who Use Maps in their Work
Val Britton
Nancy Goodman Lawrence
Francesca Berrin
Nikki Rosato's Map Sculptures (Canadian Geographic)
Printable Carpet
Wood Cut Maps
Woodcut Maps (bobvila)
Soft Cities
Crumpled City Maps
T-Shirt Maps (Cartophilia)
Sensory Maps
Map Coasters (Martha Stewart)

Primarily Paper Maps

This section highlights paper maps, providing information on outline maps, companies that produce paper maps, and sites selling paper maps. Of course, many companies providing paper products also offer digital products.

Sales - Map Store
Map Link
Omni Resources
World of Maps


DK Maps and Atlases
East View Cartographic
CRAM (Herff Jones Education Division)
Jeppesen - Aeronautical Map Products
Map Graphics
Rand McNally
Raven Maps and Images

Outline Maps

Download blank outline maps for printing.
Free Outline Maps (GIS Lounge)
Outline Map Sites (Perry-Castenada Map Library Collection)
U.S. County Outline Maps
National Geographic Xpeditions Maps for Copying and Printing Free Blank Outline Maps
Countries and Continents of the World
Fifty States of the United States
Outline Maps - Houghton Mifflin Company
Outline Maps of Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
Printable Outline Maps of US and US States (USGS)
Blank Maps and World Maps
Maps for Printing (UCSD) - Scroll down page to locate.

Map Scale

Map scales relate the distance on the map to the distance on the earth's surface. They can be tricky to understand. These sites will help you understand the concepts.

Map Scales (USGS)
Map Scales (Natural Resources Canada)
Maps Scale (San Francisco Estuary Institute)
Guide to Map Scale (University of Arizona)
Choose the right map (Ordnance Survey)
Map Scales
Mapping Scale Converter

Map Folding

Folding and unfolding maps is often a vexing problem for the map user. Here are some tips and tricks to make help the paper map user.

Folding Maps (Science Magazine)
Map Folding (Wolfram Research)
Map Folding Techniques in the Digital Age (Wuhan University)
The Math of Folding Maps (NPR)
Zoomable Paper Map (GIS Lounge)

Digital Maps


These companies sell or produce digital maps.

Map Resources
Digital Maps (
Digital Vector Maps (Illustrator and Editable PDF formats)
Digital Wisdom (Map Art Work)
mapinformation, llc

Interactive Base and Thematic Mapping

Cartagen (GSS)
Google Charts
Google Styled Maps (API)
Map Symbol Brewer
Webfoot Mapeteria


Globes have been around for since early Greece, but there are new versions for a digital world. Eartha, from DeLorme, is the world's largest rotating and revolving globe.


Globes and Terrain Models (Library of Congress)
Eartha - World's Largest Rotating Globe
The Great Globe Gallery
Guide to Globe Makers
The Mapparium
James Wilson, America's First Globe Maker (Common-Place)
The History, Technology and Care of Globes (Smithsonian)
How to Care for Globes (Canadian Conservation Institute)
How It's Made: Globe (Science Channel)
Make Your Own Globe
Le Paper Globe
Giant Paper Mache Globe
Paper Mache Globe (Enchanted Learning Software)
Science on a Sphere (NOAA)
Surface of the Earth Icosahedron Globe - Cutout (NOAA)
Dating Globes (Clean Virginia Waterways)
Determining the Age of Your Globe (Replogle Globes)
How Old is My Map or Globe (Cram)
Determining the Age of Your World Globe (World Globe Universe)

Manufacturers and Sellers

Educational Maps and Globes LLC
Bellerby Globemakers
Cram (Herff Jones Education Division)
Eureka Globes
Greaves & Thomas (Commercial Globe Sellers)
Inflatable Globes, and Other Similar Items (Gretchen Peterson)
National Geographic Globes
Rand McNally Globes
Replogle Globes
Sabine Rethore Globes
Spherical Concepts, Inc.
World Globe Universe

Map Production

These sites provide information on software, tools, and information related to the production of hardcopy maps.


These sites provide software for map production.

Avenza (Publishing Plug-Ins for Illustrator/Freehand)
GeoStatistique (Articque)
Ortelius (for the Mac)
Lorienne - Map Publication Software
MapMaker Plus Historic Cartographic Fonts and Resources
Terrain Tools Freeware (Natural Resource Software)

Map Design

Map design is critical for producing maps that can be easily understood.

Map Design Process (JB Krygier)
Cartographic Design and Development (Ordnance Survey)
Cartographic Communication (Map Design)
The Cartographic Aesthetic (Map Hugger)
Graphic Design Principles for Mapping: Figure-Ground Organization (Esri)
Graphic Presentation (1939 online book)
Color Use Guidelines for Mapping and Visualization
ColorBrewer Color Selection Tool
Color Scheme Designer
Colors in ArcGIS Symbols (Esri)
Color Tools for Mapmakers (Esri)
color hunter
Color Pallete Generator
How to Design a Transit Diagram
Classic Cartographic Techniques in ArcMap
Map Coloring: The Big Picture
Making Maps and Map Construction (GEOG321 Penn State)
Making Maps Easy to Read
Mapcarte 365 Days of Map Design (ICA Commission on Map Design)
Mapcarte Thumbnails on Pinterest (ICA Commission on Map Design)
2012 Mountain Cartography Workshop
Project Linework
Visualizing Information for Advocacy: An Introduction to Information Design (Open Society Institute Information Program)

Names on Maps

The type chosen for maps enhances the readability of the map.

Typography (Wikipedia)
Map Typography
Type Legibility and Readability (
Choosing Fonts (
Cisalpin: The ideal typeface for cartography (Linotype)

Label Placement

Map labeling is a time-consuming task in map production.

Positioning Names on Maps - Eduard Imhof
Maplex (ESRI)
MapText, Inc.

Map Generalization

Map generalization is the process of reducing detail, grouping features, and adjusting the position of features to provide a more readily understandable map display.

Map Generalization and Classification (Making Maps)
Map Generalization (d'Alge)
ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation

Shaded Relief

The Natural Earth (World Physical Map at 1.24KM Resolution)
Shaded Relief
Shaded Relief Archive
Digital Terrain Shading & Coloring (Oregon State University)
Relief Shading Website


Cartogram Central (NCGIA)
Cartogram (Wikipedia)
The Advantage of Cartograms - Dr. Dorling (Requires Real Player)
Early Cartograms (
Mapping Votes by County (
Images of the Social and Economic World (University of Michigan)
MAPresso - Free Cartogram Java Applet
ScapeToad - Free cartogram software

Sound Maps

Sound maps integrate audio information with map data.

Sound Mapping: A Primer
freesound project - geotagged sounds
Google Maps Sounding Off - Sound Maps
Sound Seeker
UK Sound Map
London Sound Survey
Sound Around You (University of Salford)

Tactile Maps and Accessibility

Tactile maps are maps for the blind and those with low vision. The map information is conveyed by the textured surface of the map.

Tactile Maps and Graphics
Best Practice Guidelines for the Design, Production, and Presentation of Vacuum-Formed Tactile Maps
ICA Commission on Maps and Graphics for Blind and Partially Sighted People
TacMap (Sheffield)
Blind Audio Tactile Mapping System (University of North Carolina)
Tactile Map Automated Production (TMAP)


An understanding of the history of cartography will give you a better appreciation for the dramatic changes taking place in cartography today.


Map History/History of Cartography Gateway
Journals and Newsletters Relating to the History of Cartography
Learning Mapping History (British Library)
Images of Early Maps on the Web
The History of Cartography Project
The History of Cartography (University of Chicago Press)
The History of Cartography Tutorial
GIS Timeline (UCL)
Building Blocks in Cartography
Historical Topographic Maps (USGS)
Historical Map and Chart Collection (NOAA)
History of Geography
History of Surveying and Measurement (FIG)
National Historical Geographic Information System (NHGIS)
Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics, and Data Visualization 1950-1974)
the first thematic maps (
Spatial Innovators and Innovations Before 1980 (CSISS)
MapHist Discussion Group Web Page
Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography
The History of Printing (University of Iowa Libraries)
Images of Early Maps on the Web
National and International Digital Projects Concerning Early Mapping
David Rumsey Historical Map Collections
Old Maps Online
e-Perimetron (Online Journal)

Map Collecting

International Map Collectors Society (IMCOS)
Map Collecting (Map History / History of Cartography)
An Annotated List of Reference Books for the Antiquarian Map Collector (Joel Kovarsky)
Web Resources for Map Collectors & Enthusiasts (Joel Kovarsky)


" MapAnalyst (software to analyze accuracy of old maps) (ETH Zurich)
Ancient World Mapping Center (University of North Carolina)
Centennia Atlas - Digital Historical Boundaries (Clockwork Software, Inc.)
Cartouches or Decorative Map Titles (David Rumsey Map Collection)
Eduard Imhof - Cartographer and Artist
Linguistic Geographies: The Gough Map of Great Britain
California as an Island - Glen McLaughlin Map Collection (Stanford University)
Life and Times of the London Underground Map
Animals on the Underground
A History of the London Tube Maps
The London Tube Map Archive
Tube Maps (Transport for London)
The World's Most Impressive Subway Maps
Design Around the World: Metro Maps
Panorama Maps
The World of H.C. Berann (Panorama artist)
Texas Bird's-Eye Views (Amon Carter Museum)
John Snow Archive and Research Companion (Michigan State University)
Dr. John Snow (UCLA)
Indian Spatial Concepts
Stories of the Dreaming (Indigenous Australia)
Spatial Innovators and Innovations Before 1980 (CSISS)
Road Maps: The American Way (University of Southern Maine)
Footpath to Freeway: The Evolution of Michigan Roadmaps
Petrol Maps
Going Places: A History of Google Maps with Street View
Traditional Navigation in the Western Pacific
Military Atlases (USMA History Department)
US Major Conflict Maps (Air Force)
U.S. Cloth Maps of Topography of Terror: Maps of the Warsaw Ghetto
U.S. Cloth Maps of World War II
U.S. Cloth Maps of Cane Maps
Roy Military Survey of Scotland, 1745-1755
Pathfinders & Passageways: The Exploration of Canada
The Vinland Map
A Handsome Atlas - Statistical Atlases of the USA Compiled in the Final Decades of the 19th Century

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Page Point of Contact:

U.S. Army Geospatial Center, Alexandria, VA
Telephone: (703) 428-3594; DSN: 328-3594
E-Mail: Doug Caldwell

Links last checked on June 5, 2015
New links added on June 5, 2015