Relief is on the Way

Obamacare’s high costs and dwindling choices have hurt millions of Americans. Congress is taking action to deliver much-needed relief.
January 18, 2017 — Blog   

In advance of President-elect Trump’s Inauguration on Friday, the House of Representatives last week laid the foundation for fulfilling one of our biggest promises to the American people: repealing Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act. Despite its name, this law is failing to deliver affordable care for millions of Americans who now face dramatically higher costs, fewer choices, and less control over their health care.

As Kimberly from Health Subcommittee Chairman Pat Tiberi’s (R-OH) district put it:

“Since [Obamacare] went into effect, the insurance choices and coverage have gotten lower and the costs have gotten higher. Virtually no doctors take the marketplace insurance so I’m left to change doctors who I’ve seen for over 30 years and switch to ‘new’ doctors who I don’t trust, and who cannot provide the same healthcare benefits I’ve received in the past.”

By passing a resolution and kicking off a process known as reconciliation, Congress now has the authority to tackle these challenges.

As Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) saidRelief is on the way.” 

Here’s how:

  1. Committee Action. In the weeks ahead, several Committees in the House will craft a bill to repeal Obamacare and clear the way for a 21st century health care system based on what patients need—not what Washington thinks is best. The Ways and Means Committee will be responsible for dismantling the taxes and mandates that have driven up costs, driven down quality, and driven out competition. This action will provide relief and peace of mind to the workers, families, and small business owners who were forced to buy insurance they don’t like and cannot afford.
  2. A New Administration. Despite the pain and frustration Obamacare has caused, President Obama has vetoed every attempt by Congress to provide relief to the American people. Instead, the Obama Administration has imposed thousands of regulations and guidance that have put more power in the hands of Washington bureaucrats instead of patients and their doctors. Fortunately, in just three days, we will have a new Administration that is determined to undo these harmful regulations and guidance, and replace this failing law with patient-centered health care solutions.
  3. Thoughtful, Step-by-Step Reforms. As House Republicans laid out last year, there is a better way to ensure access to affordable, quality health care. Unlike the Democrats who jammed through Obamacare with an overly-complex 2,000-page bill, House Republicans are turning our health care plan into thoughtful, step-by-step legislative solutions. Each proposal will help lower costs, increase choices, and improve quality so Americans at every stage of life can find a plan that meets their unique health care needs.

For more information about House Republicans’ health care proposals, visit