Mission: CEOS ensures international coordination of civil space-based Earth observation programs and promotes exchange of data to optimize societal benefit and inform decision making for securing a prosperous and sustainable future for humankind.

CEOS – 60 Agencies operating 142 satellites!

CEOS Agencies (32 Members & 28 Associates) from all over the world are responsible for:

  • Providing leadership within CEOS
  • Powering and sustaining CEOS activities
  • Generating new and innovative ideas and initiatives

CEOS is the mechanism that brings these organisations together to collaborate on missions, data systems, and global initiatives that benefit society and align with their own Agency missions and priorities.


Data Access & Tools

EO Handbook & Database – Information on all present/future CEOS satellites/instruments.

International Directory Network (IDN) – Search for & discover information on Earth science datasets.

CEOS Visualization Environment (COVE) – See when instruments get data over your region.

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