Welcome to The Community Guide’s new website. Comments and suggestions on the site’s look and feel are welcome: communityguide@cdc.gov.

New Resource: Women's Health Fact SheetInsufficient Evidence Guides help fill in evidence gaps.How can we help you use the new and improved Community Guide website?
New Resource: Women's Health Fact Sheet

New Fact Sheet Available

What Works: Improving Women’s Health fact sheet features the leading health conditions affecting women and provides evidence-based findings that can be used to improve women’s health. Read more about women’s health >>

Insufficient Evidence Guides help fill in evidence gaps.

Insufficient Evidence Guides

How to interpret and use Task Force findings of insufficient evidence is now available for the following users:

How can we help you use the new and improved Community Guide website?

How Can We Help You?

  • Contact us at communityguide@cdc.gov for information about how to use The Community Guide, how to interpret Task Force findings, ways to share information with others, questions about the website, or anything else you’d like help with. We’re here to help!

Explore Popular Features of The Community Guide

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The Community Guide in Action: Stories from the Field

Learn about people from across the country who have used The Community Guide to make communities safer and healthier.

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Simplify Your Search with GuideCompass

Try the simple way to help you find a public health content for a variety of uses within your community.

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PHAB (Public Health Accreditation Board) Crosswalk

This tool helps health departments identify Community Guide interventions that could be used to document conformity with PHAB domains, standards, and measures.

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