Journal cover Journal topic
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union

Journal metrics

  • IF value: 1.321 IF 1.321
  • IF 5-year<br/> value: 1.636 IF 5-year
  • SNIP value: 0.903 SNIP 0.903
  • SJR value: 0.709 SJR 0.709
  • IPP value: 1.455 IPP 1.455
  • h5-index value: 20 h5-index 20
NPG cover
Executive editors: 
(chief-executive editor)
Ana M.

Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG) is an international, interdisciplinary journal for the publication of original research furthering knowledge on nonlinear processes in all branches of Earth, planetary, and solar system sciences. The editors encourage submissions that apply nonlinear analysis methods to both models and data.

The journal maintains sections for research articles, review articles, brief communications, comments and replies, and book reviews, as well as special issues.


New institutional agreement between the TU Darmstadt and Copernicus Publications

27 Dec 2016

Authors from the Technical University Darmstadt will profit from a new institutional agreement with Copernicus Publications starting 1 January 2017. The agreement which is valid for corresponding authors enables a direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the university and the publisher.

Max Planck institutional agreement now for corresponding authors

23 Dec 2016

As of 1 January 2017 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the Max Planck Digital Library and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors.

Geographical distribution of views now available in journal ALMs

08 Sep 2016

Copernicus Publications has extended the article level metrics (ALMs) by showing the geographical distribution of views. This information is available for articles published after 3 August 2016.

Recent articles

Highlight articles

We use temperature maps of the solar corona for three regions and use a technique that separates multiple timescales and space scales to show that the small-scale temperature fluctuations appear more frequently prior to the occurrence of a solar flare, in comparison with the same region after the flare and with a quiet region. We find that, during the flare, energy flows from large to small scales and heat transport associated with a heat front is convective along and diffusive across the front.

D. Gamborino, D. del-Castillo-Negrete, and J. J. Martinell

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 on 8 March 2014 is one of the great mysteries of our time. The most relevant aspect is that not a piece of debris was found during the intensive surface search carried out for roughly 2 months following the crash. By combining different ocean data with dynamical systems tools, we propose a revised search strategy by showing why debris could not have been expected in some targeted search areas and determining regions where debris could be.

V. J. García-Garrido, A. M. Mancho, S. Wiggins, and C. Mendoza

The popular data assimilation technique known as the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) suffers from sampling errors due to the limited size of the ensemble. This deficiency is usually cured by inflating the sampled error covariances and by using localization. This paper further develops and discusses the finite-size EnKF, or EnKF-N, a variant of the EnKF that does not require inflation. It expands the use of the EnKF-N to a wider range of dynamical regimes.

M. Bocquet, P. N. Raanes, and A. Hannnart

In the past few years, complex networks have been extensively applied to climate sciences, yielding the new field of climate networks. Here, we generalize climate network analysis by investigating the influence of altitudes in network topology. More precisely, we verified that nodes group into different communities corresponding to geographical areas with similar relief properties. This new approach may contribute to obtaining more complete climate network models.

T. K. D. Peron, C. H. Comin, D. R. Amancio, L. da F. Costa, F. A. Rodrigues, and J. Kurths

In this study we identify the sources of the evolving network characteristics by considering a reduced-dimensionality description of the climate system using network nodes given by rotated principal component analysis. The time evolution of structures in local intra-component networks is studied and compared to evolving inter-component connectivity.

J. Hlinka, D. Hartman, N. Jajcay, M. Vejmelka, R. Donner, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, and M. Paluš

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