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Yesterday, the House passed Congressman Chris Smith's resolution supporting the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in their desire for a peaceful political transition. Chairman Ed Royce spoke in support of the bill shortly before it passed. Here's the video of his remarks. Key excerpt: "The political elites in Congo have long pillaged the country's vast natural resources for their personal enrichment. Putting that wealth at risk might make them think twice about also undermining democracy. That's the kind of leverage that this resolution intends to encourage."
Yesterday, the House passed a bill authored by Reps. Kristi Noem and Jan Schakowsky to ensure that the United States promotes the meaningful participation of women in negotiations seeking to prevent, mitigate, or resolve violent conflict. Here's the video of Chairman Ed Royce speaking in support of the bill shortly before it passed. Key excerpt: "We know that when women are included in these discussions that we're much more likely to see an enduring peace.
In case you missed it, here's the video of Chairman Ed Royce speaking on the House floor about his bill that prohibits future cash payments to Iran. The House passed the Chairman's bill – the Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act (H.R. 5931) – on Thursday.
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This morning on Fox News Channel’s America's Newsroom, Chairman Ed Royce discussed the future of U.S.-Russia relations and the critical NATO alliance.

Key excerpts below:

It’s time to deal with Russia from a position of strength: “I’d like to see better relations with Russia, but to do it you’ve got to be dealing with Russia from a position of strength. I think what we’ve seen from the Obama administration was weakness."


The U.S. needs leverage: “What we saw for example with the [Russian] invasion of Ukraine, Congress passes legislation overwhelmingly to direct the administration to give weaponry to the Ukrainians to help defend themselves, anti-tank weapons, [President Obama] blocks that… [and the incoming Secretary of State rightly says that was a mistake.] What’s missing is leverage. Putting anti-tank weapons into Eastern Ukraine would have given us leverage.”

We can’t continue to lose the information war: “I was in Eastern Germany on an exchange program and I saw the effectiveness of [U.S.] broadcasts. Today you only have Putin broadcasting… You do not have an effective counter to that into Russia in which we give people the truth about Putin or facts about what is really going on. We don’t have…free radio or social media effectively countering Putin today. That would give us leverage, what’s missing is leverage.”

NATO is critical: “NATO is critical to the defense and security of the United States. But NATO is in need of being reconstructed in a way. I think the President-elect is trying to get [our European allies] to commit so the lion’s share of the cost isn’t always on the backs of the United States.”

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Chairman Ed Royce said the below after introduction of Rep. Steve Chabot's Taiwan Travel Act (H.R. 535), which encourages visits between U.S. and Taiwanese officials at all levels of government. Chairman Royce is an original co-sponsor of the legislation.

“As a thriving democracy, Taiwan is vital to U.S. interests in the region. By encouraging more frequent visits between our two governments – including at the highest levels – we will further strengthen the critical U.S.-Taiwan partnership.”


Chairman Ed Royce issued the following statement on the Obama administration’s move to lift Sudan trade sanctions:

"For months, the Obama administration has attempted a last-ditch effort to reengage with Sudan. While counterterrorism cooperation has increased, the government still abuses the fundamental human rights of the Sudanese people. Much more progress – particularly on the humanitarian front – will need to take place before we can be satisfied. I urge the new administration to look at Sudan with fresh eyes.”

Chairman Ed Royce said the following welcoming Rep. Adam Kinzinger, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, Rep. Ann Wagner, Congressman Brian Mast, Congressman Francis Rooney, Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick, and Congressman Tom Garrett to the Foreign Affairs Committee for the 115th Congress.

“I am excited by these additions to the Foreign Affairs Committee. Their diverse backgrounds and skills will be invaluable to our work to keep America safe, defeat terrorism, and restore U.S. standing abroad."

Shark fins, elephant tusks and rhino horns have long been a gold mine for gangsters and, increasingly, a key source of funding for terror networks. We’re talking about $10 billion annually.

The good news is that China, in part due to pressure from Chairman Ed Royce and Congress, has announced steps to go from being the “biggest source of the problem – as the largest market in illegal wildlife products – to becoming a major part of the solution.”

Chairman Ed Royce sent a letter today to President Obama after new reports from the Intelligence Community indicate that detainees recently freed from the terrorist prison at Guantanamo Bay are attempting to return to terrorism.

In the letter, Chairman Royce writes, "Your efforts to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay cannot come at the expense of U.S. national security. Again, I ask that you immediately halt all transfers from Guantanamo Bay and take steps to immediately secure former detainees who pose a threat to the United States."

Chairman Ed Royce said the following on the declassified Intelligence Community assessment of Russian meddling:

“This report confirms what we already know: Vladimir Putin’s acts of aggression pose serious threats to vital U.S. interests. The Obama administration’s response to Putin’s propaganda machine was weak and ineffective in Eastern Europe, and now we’re paying the price here at home. The U.S. can’t continue to lose this fight. That’s why, as Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, I will continue to make countering Russia’s weaponization of information a top priority.

“That said, as this report found, there is nothing to suggest Russian meddling impacted our voting and tallying process in any way. Donald Trump won.”

Chairman Ed Royce speaks in support of H. Res. 11, which the House passed last night with an overwhelming vote of 342-80 to condemn the United Nations Security Council's recent anti-Israel resolution.

Key excerpt:
"United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 has harmed our ally Israel, it has harmed the prospects for peace."


Later today, the House will vote on Chairman Ed Royce’s H. Res. 11 to reject the dangerous anti-Israel resolution the Obama administration allowed the U.N. Security Council to pass last month.

Get 5 key facts ahead of today's vote.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Chairman Ed Royce said the following after announcing that the House will vote this Thursday on a resolution opposing UN Security Council Resolution 2334:

“This Administration has lost all credibility when it comes to Israel. The Administration’s stunt at the UN hurt our ally Israel and made peace in the region even more difficult to achieve. This Thursday, the House will not abstain from its responsibility and will vote on a bipartisan resolution reaffirming our longstanding policy in the region and support of Israel.”

Good news: China says it is closing its ivory markets, which make up an estimated 70% of the world's demand. This comes as bills I authored this year to help end wildlife trafficking have become U.S. law.

Poaching helps fund terrorists and criminals, so I'm glad to see that these laws, in China and the U.S., will take effect in 2017. We must protect endangered animals like the African elephant and rhinoceros.

- Chairman Ed Royce

The prison at Guantanamo Bay should continue to serve as a secure, humane location for holding dangerous terrorists. President Obama’s midnight push to empty out Gitmo will not make America safer.

Rep Ed. Royce writes that nearly a third of the 693 detainees who have been released are believed to have returned to terrorism.|By Ed Royce

“The Obama administration’s refusal to veto this one-sided, anti-Israel resolution is a dangerous and counterproductive step. It goes against years of established, bipartisan U.S. policy. I look forward to working with the Trump administration to strengthen the U.S.-Israel partnership.” -Chairman Ed Royce

I was proud to support groundbreaking new anti-trafficking measures in this year’s defense bill. The measures help our armed forces to combat human trafficking and provide additional authority to the U.S. Department of State to end modern slavery. Every life is precious. I've been fighting for years to protect our most vulnerable, and am not about to let up. #EndTrafficking – Chairman Ed Royce

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Chairman Ed Royce said the following in advance of today’s scheduled anti-Israel resolution at the U.N. Security Council.

“It has long been the position of the United States to oppose one-sided or anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations. That’s what this is, and the Obama Administration should veto it. A durable and sustainable peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians will come only through direct bilateral negotiations between the parties.”

A bill to enhance embassy security, strengthen accountability, and advance reform at the U.S. Department of State is now law.

Learn more about these important reforms:…/chairman-royce-applauds…/

“To secure peace in an increasingly dangerous world, it is imperative we have an efficient, accountable and modern State Department."