Bar Examination Subjects Tested

The following subjects have been tested in prior Federal Bar Examinations. The same are published for information purposes only. This list does not represent the totality of topics that may be tested in the mentioned subjects of the examination.


  1. Civil Procedure
    Service of summons, discovery proceedings, joinder of claims and/or parties, witnesses, judgments, complaints, jury trials, counterclaims, legal capacity of the parties, summary judgments, and motions to dismiss.
  2. Relevant evidence, inadmissible evidence, prior convictions, written statements, substantive evidence and evidence used for impeachment purposes, hearsay, use of expert opinions, judicial notice, cross-examinations, admissions of a party and objections.
  3. Juridiction and Venue
    Dismissal, remand, removal of cases, subject matter jurisdiction and diversity jurisdiction.
  4. Criminal Procedure
    Grand jury, petit juries, cross-examinations, conflict of interest, arraignments, summons, pleas, admissions, preliminary examinations, discovery, bill of particulars, witness statements and verdicts.
  5. Local Rules
    Filings, service, motions, pleadings, registry of funds, judgments, mediation, entry of default, dismissals, pre-trial conferences, consolidation of cases, security, settlements and attorneys.
  6. Appellate Procedure
    Terms, notice of appeal, briefs, appendix and record on appeal.
  7. Bankruptcy
    Chapters 7, 11 and 13, trustees, confirmation of plans, proof of claim, secured claims, automatic stay, voluntary and involuntary cases, appeals, reports, property of the estate, debtors in possession, and discharge.
  8. Ethics
    Model Rules of Professional Conduct adopted by the American Bar Association.