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Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Delivering science and technology to protect our nation and promote world stability

Taking Care of our Trails

Continued access and use of Los Alamos National Laboratory trails is contingent upon being good stewards of these federal lands.


  • Environmental Communication & Public Involvement
  • P.O. Box 1663 MS M996
  • Los Alamos, NM 87545
  • (505) 667-0216
  • Email

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Most Laboratory hiking trails reopened

Due to a significant drop in the number of bear sightings and encounters the Laboratory has reopened most trails on its property.  

Several trails on Laboratory property will remain closed due to safety or environmental reasons:

  • Hidden Canyon Trail
  • Deadman Crossing Trail
  • Devaney/Longmire Trail
  • Mortendad Bench Trail
  • Mortendad Canyon Trail
Trail Use

Some LANL trails are open to the public whereas others are only open to LANL badge-holders. Some trails allow dogs, horses, and bicycles while these are prohibited on other trails. It is your responsibility to understand the rules of a particular trail.

Trails are open from dawn to dusk, however trails and trail segments shown in red on trail maps are closed to all entry.

Hike open trails at your own risk; carry water, and beware of weather conditions, hazards, and wildlife.

Please leave no trace and pack out your trash.

Trail Monitoring

LANL trails in the White Rock area (TAs 70/71) are actively patrolled by Bandelier National Monument rangers through an agreement between the National Park Service and the Department of Energy.

Other LANL trails may be monitored by the LANL Protective Force.

You are required to acknowledge and comply with law enforcement requests and directions.

Prohibited Activities & Items

The following activities and items are strictly prohibited on LANL trails.

  • alcohol consumption
  • camping
  • collecting natural or cultural materials
  • digging or ground disturbance
  • disorderly behavior
  • disturbing archaeological resources
  • dumping or disposal of trash
  • firearms
  • fires
  • fireworks
  • geo caching
  • hunting or trapping
  • memorialization
  • motorized vehicles (unless performing official LANL business)
  • smoking
  • weapons
  • wood gathering
Questions, Comments & Concerns

Report illegal or suspicious activity to: 667-6211

To send general inquiries or feedback:

Dan Pava, Chair
LANL Trails Working Group

Karla Sartor
LANL Trails Working Group

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