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Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs

Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs

The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s (EERE’s) combined Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program is among many U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) SBIR/STTR programs that provide grants to small businesses or individuals who can form a small business within the required application timeline. Grants are competitively awarded for the development and commercialization of new ideas and innovative research. To date, DOE and EERE SBIR/STTR programs have provided funding to thousands of small businesses, including newly established small businesses, across the country.

EERE’s SBIR/STTR program is aligned with the federal Small Business Administration SBIR program and EERE’s mission to lead DOE efforts to develop and deliver market-driven solutions for energy-saving homes, buildings, and manufacturing; sustainable transportation; and renewable electricity generation.

While other federal or DOE SBIR/STTR programs may operate on different schedules, EERE provides funding to competitively selected clean energy technology small businesses once per year. New financial awards are known as Phase I awards. Follow-on awards made to previous Phase I awardees are known as Phase II awards. In rare cases, Fast-Track funding may be available, which is the simultaneous granting of a Phase I and Phase II award. All EERE SBIR/STTR awards follow the “Release 2” schedule. Learn more about SBIR/STTR funding phases.

Quickly Determine Your Eligibility

  1. Determine if your proposed R&D falls under one of the current topics EERE is considering. If your proposed R&D does not fall under one of the current established topics, you will not be able to receive assistance from EERE’s SBIR/STTR program. However, you are welcome to contact the appropriate technology office within EERE to gauge if your R&D may be considered in the future.
  2. Determine if you are an eligible small business or are able to form an eligible small business in the required timeframe.
  3. Apply for an EERE SBIR/STTR funding opportunity if you determine you are eligible as outlined above.

If you determine that EERE’s SBIR/STTR program cannot provide assistance at this time, other federal agency SBIR/STTR programs may have a relevant topic of interest.