Pittsburgh District Header Image


A workboat rests on the main chamber lock wall as repair crews above work to fix New Cumberland Locks and Dam's hydraulic system.
Locked Up! Army Corps Lock Operators Battle Bone-Chilling Temps to Quickly Re-open Ohio River Navigation
A workboat rests on the main chamber lock wall as repair crews above work to fix New Cumberland Locks and Dam's hydraulic system.
During an Oct. 17-19 visit to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District, members of the Environmental Advisory Boards along with Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commanding general and chief of engineers, and Brig. Gen. Mark Toy, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division commander, tour a future district project on the north shore of Pittsburgh.
EAB visits Pittsburgh District
During an Oct. 17-19 visit to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District, members of the Environmental Advisory Boards along with Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commanding general and chief of engineers, and Brig. Gen. Mark Toy, Great Lakes and Ohio River Division commander, tour a future district project on the north shore of Pittsburgh.
In 1969, the former Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Mine Reclamation initiated a program called "Operation Scarlift."  A lime treatment plant was established at Swamp Creek and was viewed as a short-term solution to the problem.
Dead Sea Savior
In 1969, the former Department of Environmental Resources, Bureau of Mine Reclamation initiated a program called "Operation Scarlift." A lime treatment plant was established at Swamp Creek and was viewed as a short-term solution to the problem.
Ranger Jacob Henry hosted children who attended the festivities in an all-day JAKES Day event, Aug. 20.
Stonewall Jackson Lake brings Water Safety to JAKES Day
Ranger Jacob Henry hosted children who attended the festivities in an all-day JAKES Day event, Aug. 20.
As the new commander, Col. John P. Lloyd passed the flag to Lenna Hawkins, deputy district engineer. This gesture represents the seamless integration of the military and civilian team within the district.
Pittsburgh District welcomes new commander
As the new commander, Col. John P. Lloyd passed the flag to Lenna Hawkins, deputy district engineer. This gesture represents the seamless integration of the military and civilian team within the district.

Locking through image links to locking through instruction booklet     Bobber the Water Safety Dog image and link to web site 

USACE Pittsburgh Social Media

Latest Stories

Army Corps Lock Operators Battle Bone-Chilling Temps to Quickly Re-open Ohio River Navigation

Bone-chilling winds cut through the crisp December air as operators and mechanics at a downed Ohio River lock scrambled on the early morning of Dec. 12 to isolate a hydraulic line break that shutdown navigation.
Published: 12/29/2016

EAB visits Pittsburgh District

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pittsburgh District hosted a board of national environmental
Published: 10/28/2016

Dead Sea Savior

Once known as the Dead Sea of Elk County, East Branch Lake is having a resurgence of life.
Published: 9/9/2016

Latest News Releases

Corps to re-open Ohio River lock to navigation Saturday

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Pittsburgh is set to resume navigation operations tomorrow starting at 8 a.m. at the New Cumberland Locks and Dam on the Ohio River.
Published: 12/16/2016

Hydraulic system failure at Ohio River lock halts river navigation

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Pittsburgh is alerting commercial navigation companies that operations at the New Cumberland Locks and Dam on the Ohio River, eight miles south of Wellsville, Ohio, halted after crews noticed a sheen inside the facility's main chamber.
Published: 12/13/2016

Corps to host East Branch Dam Safety Project Public Meeting, Nov. 9

The Corps of Engineers is hosting a public meeting to discuss the progress and activities of its East Branch Dam Safety Project. The goal of the public meeting is to provide an update about the Dam Safety Project, progress of construction, local emergency planning activities, lake levels and the East Branch Lake facilities to give the community the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
Published: 10/20/2016


150th District Anniversary

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