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National Invasive Species Information Management System

The National Invasive Species Information Management System (NISIMS) database provides a comprehensive tool for managers to use to standardize collection of invasive species and treatment data. Managers can measure project successes/failures, maximizing the lessons learned, and identify cost effective best management practices to be used on future projects.

It is the first BLM system with seamless tools to collect scientific data in remote locations throughout all BLM lands and to feed that data regularly into a national, official BLM geospatial database.

NISIMS reduces redundant data entry and makes data collection and reporting of invasive species more efficient. It is designed to collect infestation & treatment data in a standardized format.

Presently, NISIMS only collects data associated with plant species; however, plans are underway to allow the system to be able to collect data on all taxa.

For Partners and Contractors who collect and Submit NISIMS Data to the BLM

There are multiple ways to ensure that the invasive species data that you collect is in the NISIMS format prior to submitting it to the BLM.

Utilizing the NISIMS S1 Toolbar is the best way to ensure that your data is in the NISIMS data format. 

If you decide to collect invasive species data by other means (i.e. collecting data on paper forms, or using GPS devices like a Garmin), then you will need to ensure that your data is "NISIMS ready" prior to submitting it to the BLM.

"NISIMS ready" data is simply data that can be cross-walked directly into the BLM National Invasive Species Information Management System (NISIMS). Most BLM offices require invasive species data to be in one of the following formats upon submission. 

For all of the data collection options below, be sure that you coordinate with your field office weed coordinator regarding the data submission process.

Data collection options:

NISIMS S1 Toolbar

Collect data (infestations, all types of treatments, and surveys) with the NISIMS S1 toolbar to ensure that your data is in the proper format. Click here for more information on how to get started.

Flat-File GeoDatabase

Collect data (infestations, chemical, manual and/or mechanical treatments, and surveys) with your mobile device, then add your spatial data into a flat-file geodatabase that has the NISIMS required fields. Click here to download the Flat-File Geodatabase.

Excel Spreadsheet

Collect data (infestations, treatments, and surveys) and then populate the data into an Excel spreadsheet that has the NISIMS required fields (Spatial location (lat/long) is required). Click here to download the Excel Spreadsheet.

Paper Forms