April 5 - May 3, 2017

Open enrollment gives employees, retirees, and survivors of Municipalities joining the GIC the opportunity to review your health insurance options and enroll in a health plan if you desire.  Retirees and survivors of Municipalities that offer the Retiree Dental Plan can enroll in Retiree Dental. Please take this opportunity to think about what you and your family need in the way of health care. 

Be sure to read your GIC Benefit Decision Guide to become familiar with benefit and rates.  Ask your GIC Benefits Coordinator for your guide.  

Do your homework during open enrollment.

  • Identify which health plan(s) you are eligible to join and review their benefit summaries – see the Benefit Decision Guide and the Health Plans Section for details.
  • Attend a GIC Health Fair to speak with plan representatives and GIC staff about your plan options.
  • If you are an employee or non-Medicare retiree, consider enrolling in a limited network plan to save money every month on your premiums.  These plans have the same benefits as the wider network plans, but save money because they have a smaller network of providers (not every doctor and hospital).
  • Contact the plans to find out if your doctors and hospitals participate in the plan.  Specify the plan’s full name, such as “Tufts Health Plan Spirit” or “Tufts Health Plan Navigator,” not just Tufts Health Plan.
  • Check on copay tier assignments that affect what you pay when you get physician or hospital services.  Copay tiers can change each July 1.

Your Benefit Decision Guide is an overview of GIC benefits; it is not a comprehensive plan handbook.  There may be other services that you or your family need.  Contact each plan to find out details about those benefits. 

Keep in mind!  Once you choose a health plan, you cannot change plans during the year, unless you have a qualifying event such as moving out of your health plan’s service area. If your doctor or hospital leaves your health plan you must find a new participating provider.

See the following sections of this site for helpful resources for the latest annual enrollment news, forms  to expedite your decisions, and answers to frequently asked questions

Mark the Date!  Enrollment forms and required documentation are due to your GIC Benefits Coordinator no later than Wednesday, May 3, 2017.

This information provided by the Group Insurance Commission .