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Home arrow Training and Education arrow The Section 106 Training Courses


Why choose the ACHP for Section 106 training?

  • Up-to-the-minute regulatory knowledge. Information on current guidance, policy, and best practices comes straight from the agency with oversight responsibility for Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and nationwide experience in managing the review process.
  • Engaging instructors. All ACHP courses are taught by experienced staff members who assist a wide range of stakeholders in navigating the review process in their daily work. Past participants give ACHP instructors high marks for being knowledgeable and receptive to questions.
  • Tools for practical application. Our approach to Section 106 training includes case studies and exercises that allow participants to practice application of regulatory information to real-world scenarios. All classroom courses provide a handbook and CD with additional sample documents, guidance, and reference materials.

What past participants are saying:

“Best Section 106 course I have had to date.”

“This was a very informative and well-designed course; it was clear that the instructors were very passionate about this topic….”

“I’m leaving this training with a wealth of knowledge and a sigh of relief knowing that I can embark on a Section 106 review without fear or hesitation.”

Which Training Course is Right for You?

We are often asked which of our courses is most suitable given a student's familiarity with the Section 106 process. The following considerations can help you select a course that best meets your needs.

Those who are most interested in building familiarity with the Section 106 regulations, learning how to conduct a review, and getting a firm grounding in the basics of federal historic preservation requirements are best suited for the Section 106 Essentials. This course addresses all the key concepts involved in compliance and offers students opportunities to apply their new knowledge to a case study exercise. Experienced practitioners who’d like a refresher in the regulations will also find the Essentials suited to their needs.

Professionals who are already comfortable with the four-step review process and the Section 106 regulations should consider the Advanced Seminar. We generally find that participants with two years' (or more) experience working with Section 106 get the most out of this highly interactive course. Advanced Seminar instructors do not review the requirements of Section 106. Rather, they facilitate a topical discussion on managing consultation, developing creative mitigation approaches, and drafting agreement documents that encourages students to share solutions based on their work in the field. The Advanced Seminar is also appropriate for students who are involved in large-scale, complex, or controversial consultation processes and those whose primary interest lies in writing Memoranda of Agreement.

Are you looking for webinars? If so, click here.


106 Essentials Training Course

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The Section 106 Essentials is a two-day course designed for those who are new to federal historic preservation compliance or those who want a refresher on the Section 106 regulations and review process. This course explains the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, which applies any time a federal, federally assisted, or federally approved activity might affect a property listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.
Get more information about the course.

Advanced Section 106 Seminar

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The Advanced Section 106 Seminar focuses on the effective management of complex or controversial undertakings that require compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Taught in a smaller, interactive setting, this course encourages group discussion and problem solving. The seminar is designed for experienced Section 106 users who are already familiar with the regulations. The curriculum focuses on the challenges of seeking consensus and resolving adverse effects to historic properties.
Get more information about the course.

Tailored Section 106 Training

The ACHP offers two approaches to tailor Section 106 training to the learning needs of federal, state, tribal, and local agencies and other organizations.

  • By-request courses: The Section 106 Essentials or Section 106 Advanced Seminar can be scheduled at a location and time convenient to the course sponsor. Course content, materials, and classroom experience are the same as our open-enrollment courses with the ease of using your facility. By-request courses offer cost savings for larger groups and can avoid or reduce travel expenditures.
    Please contact us for more information.
  • Tailored courses: The ACHP staff develops training experiences ranging from a half day to multiple days based on an organization’s individual needs. Content, exercises, reference materials, and delivery methods can be designed to meet specific goals the organization has for improving federal historic preservation review and compliance programs.
    Please contact us for a proposal based on information about your specific needs.