History, Art & Archives of the
U.S. House of Representatives

"As Large as Life": Lafayette's Portrait

Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette/tiles/non-collection/2/2-18-lafayette-portrait_2005_018_000.xml Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives
About this object
What becomes a military legend most? For the Marquis de Lafayette, dashing hero of the American Revolution, the portrait now in the House Chamber was just the thing. Arriving from France in 1824, it was a huge hit across the nation. Becoming the most famous image of Lafayette during his wide-ranging tour of the United States that same year, the portrait appeared on posters, memorabilia, and even on currency.

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How Loud Is a Gavel?

Gavels for the Speaker/tiles/non-collection/1/1-08-bouquet-2007_111_003pq.xml Collection of the U.S. House of Representatives, Photography Collection
The commanding rap of a gavel punctuates each meeting of the House of Representatives. House gavels have always been practical wooden mallets, perfect for grabbing the attention of a loud, large group of legislators. But how loud is a gavel in the House?

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