U.S. EPACompte verificat


News, links, tips, and conversation from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Neither RT nor imply endorsement.

Unit: maig de 2008

@EPA està bloquejat

Estàs segur que vols veure aquestos tuits? No es desblocarà @EPA per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Besides CO2 pollution, also cuts nitric oxide & nitrogen dioxide, major air pollutants linked to heart & lung disease.

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  2. Retuitat per

    Here’s a map of how the federal government is working with local communities to create change:

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  3. Carbon pollution cuts from = annual emissions from 166,000,000 cars – or 70% of our country’s passenger vehicles – for 1 yr.

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  4. 37 states already have goals or standards to increase the amount of wind, solar & other renewables in their energy mix.

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  5. It’s ! Check out labeled products to protect the health of your furry ones.

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  6. Retuitat per

    Gave my 1st intl speech in Tokyo on need to globally since release of .

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    I met members of the Diet, saw Meiji Shrine & heard from climate scientists.

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  8. Join a free webinar on 9/1 on the federal interagency EJ Action Agenda Framework. RSVP: .

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  9. Free technical assistance! Support existing neighborhoods by supporting local food enterprises.

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  10. 25 ag.

    All 50 states are already working with consumers to increase energy efficiency & . is the next step.

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  11. 25 ag.

    Make your voice heard on the federal interagency EJ Action Agenda Framework. Comment now: .

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  12. 25 ag.

    Here’s what you need to know about filing claims for damages related to the release.

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  13. 25 ag.

    FACT: The reduces carbon pollution from power sector by 32% by 2030. That’s ~870 million short tons.

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  14. 25 ag.

    Learn about community-based solutions in the federal interagency EJ Action Agenda Framework.

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  15. 25 ag.

    We’re working to analyze water quality info in areas impacted by the spill.

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  16. "My generation will ultimately see the greatest impacts of climatic disruption."

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    What happened to Shishmaref, Alaska?

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  18. 24 ag.

    The average American family will save nearly $85 per year on their energy bill starting in 2030, thanks to the .

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  19. 24 ag.

    FACT: Total health & climate benefits/yr of , starting in 2030 = as much as $54 billion.

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  20. 24 ag.

    Ten ways the will increase energy efficiency and save people money on their electric bills:

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