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21st Century Community Learning Centers

Provides funding for programs to focus on academic achievement, enrichment, and family literacy. Eligible entities include districts, cities, counties, community-based organizations and others.

Program Description
Description of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) and 21st Century High School After School Safety and Enrichment for Teens (ASSETs) Program.

A Vision for Expanded Learning in California – Strategic Plan: 2014-2016 (PDF)
Developed by the California Department of Education in collaboration with K-12 educators, program practitioners, and support providers.

Expanded Learning Visionary/Emerging Leadership Award
Recognition for individuals who are new or who have worked several years in the field of Expanded Learning and have demonstrated leadership, innovation, compassion, creativity, resourcefulness, and dedication in operating stellar Expanded Learning programs.

Distinguished After School Health Recognition Program (DOC)
Establishes an award to recognize expanded learning programs who are meeting exemplary health education, nutrition and activity standards.

21st CCLC Frequently Asked Questions (DOC; Modified Sept-2016)

ASSETs Frequently Asked Questions (DOC; Modified 28-Nov-2012)

Funding and Fiscal Management
Available funding, award notifications, and budget information and forms for 21st CCLC grants.

California After School Physical Activity Guidelines (PDF; Revised Feb-2010)
These Guidelines provide resources for implementing high-quality physical activity programs within California Department of Education-funded after school programs.

Quality Standards for Expanded Learning in California

Policy Guidance

Annual Outcome-Based Data for Evaluation

Regional Technical Assistance

  • System of Support for Expanded Learning
    Provides training and technical assistance that develops and provides resources supporting safe and educationally enriching environments for children and youths in expanded learning programs throughout California.
  • Regional Technical Assistance Contacts
    System of Support for Expanded Learning contacts within the 11 service regions of the California County Superintendents' Educational Services Association.

Reports to the Legislature

Links to state and federal resources, as well as a sample document to be used to notify parents that an after school program is available at their child's school.

Contact the Expanded Learning Division
Contact information for the ASES Program and the 21st CCLC Program.

Complaint Procedures

A complaint is a statement that a local school, school district, or county of education policy has been violated or that a state or federal law or regulation has been violated. Please review the Complaint Procedures Web page for detailed information on filing a complaint.

Questions: Expanded Learning Division | | 916-319-0923 
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
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