Beyond Medical Home
A medical home is a process of care offered by primary care providers in partnership with families of children with special health care needs (CSHCN). Children and families are recognized, welcomed and supported by their community based medical homes.

Children with special health care needs
and the medical home…

The United States Maternal and Child Health Bureau defines children with special health care needs (CSHCN) as those who have (or are at increased risk for)

  • Chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions (expected to last at least a year) and
  • Who require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that required by children generally; 18% of children in the United States are included in their definition.

“Home is the place where when you have to go there, they have to take you in…”

 —Robert Frost

The American Academy of Pediatrics describes care from a medical home as


How does one build, strengthen and promote medical homes for children with special health care needs? The Center for Medical Home Improvement (CMHI) invites you to explore resources and methods that work.


Dr. Carl Cooley
NH Citizens Health Initiative and the Center for Medical Home Improvement announce the NH Multi-Stakeholder Medical Home Pilot

Change Is In the Air, in Primary Care: The Family-Centered Medical Home

Medical Home Practice-Based Care Coordination

CHMI Medical Home Index with transition to Adulthood indicator #2.5.1 revised

CHMI Medical Home Index- Short Version-2006

Crotched Mountain