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NASA Mars Exploration Program
Mars Exploration Program
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Join us on the Journey to Mars as we explore with robots and send humans there one day. Download a Mars poster that speaks to you.
Mars: Viking's 40th Anniversary Artwork
Mars Quick Facts
Mars Map: Explore Mars, its canyon lands and volcanoes and the rover landing sites!
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Mars Exploration Rovers Calendar for 2015 - 2016
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Science Discoveries
What's New?

Curiosity Rover Team Examining New Drill Hiatus - 12/05/2016
Curiosity Update: Targeted Remote Sensing
NASA Radio on Europe's New Mars Orbiter Aces Relay Test - 11/29/2016
Mars Ice Deposit Holds as Much Water as Lake Superior
Schiaparelli Impact Site on Mars, in Color
Curiosity Rover Finds and Examines a Meteorite on Mars
Recent Videos
Curiosity Update: Four Years on Mars
Magnificent Mars: 10 Years of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
Where are the Spacecraft?
Where is Curiosity?
Where are the Rovers?
Opportunity has reached Endeavour crater where it will spend time studying rocks never seen before. After a successful six-year mission, Spirit's mission has officially concluded. See the latest location maps  and  status reports.
Be A Mars Maker
Print your own 3D model of a Mars meteorite!Download Print File >>Mars Makers Home >>News Feature >>
Send a Postcard to Curiosity
Celebrate Curiosity's second year on Mars by sending the rover and the team a message.Send Postcard >>
Mars in The Palm of Your Hands
Tune in with Mars on the go.Download the Be A Martian App, on your Android, iPhone, Windows Phone and Tablets!More >>
Explore Curiosity's Journey in 3D
Follow Curiosity's drive and read about the latest updates on Curiosity's Journey on Mars!Start Now >>
Come explore Mars with us
Be part of exploration and discovery, and personally contribute to the expansion of human knowledge for all of us now, and as a legacy for those who follow.More >>
Ask Dr. C
Have you ever wondered why Mars is red?
Or, how big is the Mars Science Laboratory rover? Ask Dr. C, your personal Mars expert!More >>