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Office of Disability Employment Policy
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ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy

Disability Employment Policy Resources by Topic

Integrated Employment

Integrated employment refers to jobs held by people with the most significant disabilities in typical workplace settings where the majority of persons employed are not persons with disabilities. In these jobs, the individuals with disabilities earn wages consistent with wages paid workers without disabilities in the community performing the same or similar work; the individuals earn at least minimum wage, and they are paid directly by the employer.

Integrated Employment Toolkit

The Integrated Employment Toolkit is an ODEP-sponsored initiative designed to create a street-level, applicable resource that pulls together critical resources, organized by six stakeholder groups: Employers; Community Employment Agencies (CEA); Families and Individuals (both youth and adult); Policymakers, and Researchers. The assembled information allows the user to access, and in some cases adapt the resources they need to implement integrated employment in their state, organization, or locale.

One of the resources available in this toolkit is a video highlighting the successes of two young men from Washington State who have benefited from integrated employment, enjoying wages at or above minimum and the dignity of economic self-sufficiency in their communities.