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Nuclear Safety Policy, Guidance & Reports

The Office of Nuclear Safety establishes and maintains nuclear safety policy, requirements, and guidance including policy and requirements relating to hazard and accident analysis, facility design and operation, and Quality Assurance.

The DOE Technical Standards Program promotes the use of voluntary consensus standards at DOE, manages and facilitates DOE's efforts to develop and maintain necessary technical standards, and communicates information on technical standards activities to people who develop or use technical standards in DOE.

The following procedures should be used to write, revise, or maintain a DOE technical standard. They are also used to convert a DOE technical standard to a non-government standard or to form a topical committee:

Nuclear Safety Research and Development Annual Report, December 2014

Department of Energy Technical Standards Procedures

Monthly Status Reports are available:  Technical Standards Reports.


The Department of Energy (DOE) Accident Prevention and Investigation Program serves as a key DOE corporate safety resource for promoting accident PREVENTION through exchange of lessons learned and information for improvement of our integrated safety management system. The techniques and tools utilized in the investigation of "accidents" can be valuable in looking at leading indicators associated with our safety program, to determine the embedded precursors to accidents, and prevent them from occurring. The information obtained through application of these techniques and tools serve as benchmarks for others to utilize in evaluating their safety management systems.