Office of Enterprise Assessments

  • DOE Strengthens Rule on Nuclear Safety Requirements

    On December 27, 2016, the Department of Energy published in the Federal Register a final rule to clarify that the Department may assess civil penalties against certain contractors and subcontractors for violations of the prohibition against retaliating against an employee who reports violations of law, mismanagement, waste, abuse, or dangerous/unsafe workplace conditions, among other protected activities, concerning nuclear safety (referred to as “whistleblowers”). Specifically, this rule clarifies the definition of “DOE Nuclear Safety Requirements” and clarifies that the prohibition against whistleblower retaliation is a DOE Nuclear Safety Requirement to the extent that it concerns nuclear safety.

  • 2017 DOE Safety and Security Enforcement Workshop

    The DOE Office of Enterprise Assessments’ (EA) Office of Enforcement will host the 2017 DOE Safety and Security Enforcement Workshop May 9 and 10, 2017, at the Nevada Support Facility/Nevada Field Office in North Las Vegas, Nevada. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCOG) Regulatory and Enforcement Technical Subgroup, which will hold a contractor-only meeting on enforcement-related topics on May 11 at the same location.

  • 2016 EA Annual Report to Congress Now Available

    Secretary Moniz has approved the 2016 Annual Report of Independent Oversight activities, required by the Appropriations Committees.

  • Independent Oversight Program Order approved by Deputy Secretary

    Deputy Secretary of Energy Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall approved a new Independent Oversight Program Order (DOE O 227.1A) on December 21, 2015. The Order prescribes the requirements and responsibilities for the DOE Independent Oversight Program, which is implemented by the Office of Enterprise Assessments. The requirements in this directive are designed to ensure that the Independent Oversight Program is implemented in a transparent, efficient, and constructive manner to support the safe and secure accomplishment of DOE’s missions.

Enforcement Documents

December 2, 2016
Enforcement Letter, Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC

Security Enforcement Letter issued to Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC regarding the disposition of classified information at the Pantex Plant

November 25, 2016
Consent Order, Washington River Protection Solutions

Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Consent Order issued to Washington River Protection Solutions relating to an employee fall into an abandoned septic tank.

November 22, 2016
Preliminary Notice of Violation, UChicago Argonne, LLC

Worker Safety and Health Enforcement Preliminary Notice of Violation issued to UChicago Argonne, LLC for violations of 10 C.F.R. Part 851 relating to the machine guarding program at the Argonne National Laboratory.

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Assessment Documents

January 11, 2017
Enterprise Assessments Follow-up Assessment of Progress on Actions Taken to Address Tank Vapor Concerns at the Hanford Site – January 2017

Follow-up Assessment of Progress on Actions Taken to Address Tank Vapor Concerns

December 30, 2016
Enterprise Assessments Assessment of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Quality Assurance, Receipt Inspections, Contractor Assurance System and Engineering Processes – December 2016

Assessment of Quality Assurance, Receipt Inspections, Contractor Assurance System and Engineering Processes at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant

December 30, 2016
Enterprise Assessments Assessment of the Hanford Site Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Construction Quality – December 2016

Assessment of Construction Quality, Hanford Site Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant

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