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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Resources Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)

1. What is the Code of Federal Regulations?

The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is a set of rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the U.S. government. The CFR is divided into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to federal regulation. The titles are then divided into chapters that are usually named after the agency that issued them.

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2. What part of the CFR applies to the Commission?

3. How does the Commission develop its regulations?

All regulations issued by FERC are based on laws passed by Congress. The Commission first examines the underlying law prior to developing regulations. The actual development of regulations and their modification is done through a rulemaking process. Each rulemaking is assigned a docket number beginning with "RM", for example RM02-16-000.

The Commission's staff usually holds public meetings with with those interested in the issues. After that, the Commission develops the proposed rule or regulations and issues a "Notice of Proposed Rulemaking" (NOPR), which is published in the Federal Register.

The NOPR contains the text of the proposed regulations and an extensive preamble. The preamble explains the Commission's rationale for the proposed regulations.

The public then comments on the NOPR. All comments are then considered by the Commission before it finalizes the rulemaking. The Commission then issues the final rulemaking containing the new changes. These are also published in the Federal Register. After about 45-60 days, the new regulations take effect.

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4. What are some of the most important FERC regulations or rules?

Visit our Landmark Orders page for the most important FERC regulations and orders.

Also Headlines include efforts related to industries regulated by the Commission, and actions that are being taken to improve Commission services for the public. These are the most important issues pending at the Commission.

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5. How do I request a paper copy of the CFR?

The Government Printing Office handles all sales and distribution of the CFR. Visit the GPO website Leaving FERC for information on ordering a paper copy.

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6. When is the CFR published?

Title 18 is published April 1 each year.

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7. Is the CFR available online?

Yes. Please see: eCFR Leaving FERC

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