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Henry A. Vanderploeg

Henry A. Vanderploeg

Research Ecologist
Phone: (734) 741-2284 / 2292
Fax: (734) 741-2055

Curriculum Vitae

List of all GLERL Researchers

List of publications and presentations


Ph.D., Oregon State University, 1973, Biological Oceanography
M.S., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968, Zoology
B.S., Michigan Technological University, 1966, Biological Sciences

Research Interests

Interests are food web interactions, particularly feeding mechanisms and life cycle strategies of plankton and benthos; and spatial distribution and interactions of all food web components. Current research projects include: zooplankton feeding and mechanisms; dreissenid mussel feeding behavior, nutrient cycling, and ecosystem effects; long-term trends in zooplankton populations; impacts of the invasion of predatory cercopagids (Bythotrephes and Cercopagis) on Great Lakes food webs; and changes in spatial structure and function of Great Lakes food webs as driven by stressors such as hypoxia and invasive species.