Alejandra’s story: College students need coverage too!

September 18, 2013

Alejandra and her big sister Mayra share their story

Have you met Alejandra?

Alejandra is an ambitious student with big dreams. She is looking forward to college and has plans to become a health professional – just like her big sister Mayra. And like millions of young adults across the country, Alejandra does not have health insurance.

Making ends meet. Trying to make something of herself.

Alejandra’s sister Mayra explained:

"Alejandra paid $300 out of her own pocket for a checkup and some shots that she needed for school.

If you’re a young person like Alejandra, you might not be thinking a lot about health insurance—until the day you need it.

You might have other priorities. But what if you get into an accident, are diagnosed with a serious illness, or have medical requirements for school or work?"

How the Marketplace helps people like Alejandra

Share your story

Alejandra is looking forward to finding affordable coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace on October 1. Her big sister is looking forward to it too.

What about you? Are you looking forward to getting covered?