Fermilab news for employees and users

News you need

Peoples named Fermilab chief financial officer

Fermilab’s next chief financial officer (CFO) will be Vanessa Peoples. Vanessa is currently Vice President for Business and Finance and Chief Business Officer for the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC).

In the News

Uncommon marching band to launch yearlong Fermilab birthday in Batavia

From Kane County Chronicle, Jan. 16, 2017: In tandem with exploring the origin of the universe, Fermilab delves into its own birth, celebrating its 50th anniversary with an accelerated lineup of events from now into fall. The entertainment element will start on a happy note with Mucca Pazza, an unconventional marching band, striding onto the Batavia stage at 8 p.m. Jan. 21.

Energy Department releases first-ever State of the National Labs Report

From the Department of Energy, Jan. 11, 2017: Fermilab is mentioned in several areas of the report, which highlights the remarkable accomplishments of the national labs, evaluates some of the improvements DOE has made in recent years in its management and coordination with the labs, and charts a course for continued American leadership in science and technology.



The stair challenge at Oak Brook

One day Robert Wilson decided that, instead of taking the elevator, he would climb 10 flights of stairs to work. Some of the rest of us followed his example, and then we got the idea that we’d see who could do it the fastest.


A group known for making music with everyday objects recently got their hands on some extraordinary props.

Video: Fermions and bosons

You have the gregarious, force-carrying bosons and the standoffish, matter fermions. Don Lincoln explains in this six-minute video.

Photo of the Day

Waddle, huddle, snuggle, part 2

See part 1. Geese and goslings huddle by Swan Lake. See part 3. Photo: Valery Stanley, WDRS

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