• Contact Us

    Environmental and Injury Epidemiology and Toxicology Unit

    1100 West 49th Street
    Austin, TX 78756

    Phone: 1-800-588-1248
    Fax: 512-776-7222

    Email any comments, questions, complaints, or feedback

Contact Us


If you would like to contact the Environmental and Injury Epidemiology and Toxicology Branch please complete the "Epitox Contact Form" and submit.
Your information will be directed to the appropriate staff for follow-up actions.

If you are having difficulty using this file, visit our file viewing information page for download information. For additional assistance please call 512-458-7263.


Environmental and Injury Epidemilogy and Toxicology Branch
Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
Texas Department of State Health Services
1100 West 49th Street
Austin, Texas 78756

Phone "&" Fax

Telephone Number: (512) 776-7269
l Free Number: 1-800-588-1248
Fax: (512) 776-7222

Last updated November 5, 2014