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Interagency and International Services Program

Click on image to view the Nashville District Interagency and International Services Informational BookletIn addition to our Civil Works programs, the Corps of Engineers can provide to non-Department of Defense federal agencies, state and local governments, tribal nations, private U.S. firms, international organizations, and foreign governments through its Interagency and International Services program the following technical and process capabilities:

  • Engineering, Design, and Construction
  • Environmental Services
  • Emergency Management and Disaster Recovery 
  • Hydraulics and Hydrology
  • Operations and Maintenance Services
  • Planning
  • Procurement and Contracting Services
  • Program/Project Management
  • Real Estate Services
  • Research, Development, and Technology Transfer
  • GIS Development
  • Technical Assistance Related to Water, Natural Resources, Buildings, and Infrastructure

Funding for these services is provided by the requesting entity. Reimbursable support is arranged through the execution of a written agreement. 

Click Here to see Nashville District's Civil Works boundaries which includes most IIS work.

Who Can Be A Partner?

The following is a list of the types of IIS partners and supporting links.  
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The USACE may assist federal agencies both domestically and overseas.

Some recent and current IIS customers supported in the field of planning, engineering, and construction include:

  • Department of Energy
  • National Park Service
  • United States Coast Guard
  • Department of Veterans Affairs

Other federal agencies the USACE has been or is supporting nationwide include:

  • Battle Monuments Commission
  • Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Commerce
  • Department of Health and Human Services
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of Interior
  • Department of Justice
  • Department of State
  • Department of Transportation
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • General Services Adminstration 
  • Housing and Urban Development
  • International Joint Commission
  • Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • National Science Foundation
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • Office of Personnel Management

SECTION 607 OF THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961 (22 USC 2357): Section 607 authorizes the President of the United States to furnish services and commodities on an advance-of-funds or reimbursable basis to friendly countries, international organizations, the American Red Cross, and voluntary nonprofit-relief agencies registered with and approved by the U.S. Agency for International Development, when the President determines it is in furtherance of the goals of the Act.


SECTION 632a and 632b OF THE FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961(22 USC 2392): Section 632a authorizes the President of the United States to allocate or transfer funds to any U.S. Government agency, including advances by any country or international organization for the procurement of commodities, defense articles, military education/training or services. Section 632b provides the authority for any U.S. Government official carrying out functions under this Act to utilize said services from any other U.S. Government agency as the President shall direct, or with the consent of the head of such agency.



SECTION 234, WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1999 (33 U.S.C. 2323a): Section 234 authorizes the Secretary of the Army to engage in activities in support of other federal agencies or international organizations to address problems of national significance to the United States. The Secretary may use USACE technical and managerial expertise to address domestic and international problems related to water resources, infrastructure development, and environmental protection. Section 234 also authorizes some appropriated funding to use in providing support.


ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT (22 USC 2769 - Foreign military construction sales): This Act authorizes the president of the United States to sell design and construction services to any eligible foreign country or international organization if such country or international organization agrees to pay in United States dollars not less than the full cost to the U.S. Government of furnishing such services.

The USACE may provide specialized or technical services to a State or Local government under section 6505 of title 31, United States Code, in accordance with Section 211 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (PL 106-541) as amended by Section 109 of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 2002 (PL 107-66).

Work requested by Tribal Nations is authorized under the provisions of 10 USC 3036(d)(2).

The USACE provides engineering and technical support to U.S. firms competing for contracts for overseas projects: Technical Assistance Program.

The USACE may work for, or in cooperation with, the U.S. private sector in the development and application of new technology. Please see link below for more information: Research and Development Programs.