Federal Register Notices


12/31/2008 - 73 FR 80516: Proposed rule to set Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery 2009-2010 harvest specifications and management measures; request for comments, 12/31/2008. PDF 2.27 MB
12/24/2008 - 73 FR 79008: Inseason adjustments to biennial groundfish management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 12/24/2008. PDF 1.30 MB
12/15/2008 - 73 FR 75975: 2008 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures Inseason Actions 7-12, 12/15/2008. PDF 48 KB
12/01/2008 - 73 FR 72739: Reapportionment of surplus Pacific whiting allocation; request for comments, 12/1/2008. PDF 51 KB
12/01/2008 - 73 FR 72740: Inseason adjustments to biennial groundfish management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 12/1/2008. PDF 792 KB
11/03/2008 - 73 FR 65283: Comment period extension for proposed ESA critical habitat for southern distinct population segment of North American green sturgeon, 11/3/2008. PDF 37 KB
10/17/2008 - 73 FR 61786: Issuance of scientific research permit relating to Pacific salmon under the ESA, 10/17/2008. PDF 48 KB
10/15/2008 - 73 FR 60987: Essential fish habitat descriptions for Pacific salmon, 10/15/2008. PDF 69 KB
10/14/2008 - 73 FR 60642: Inseason adjustments to management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 10/14/2008. PDF 1.02 MB
10/07/2008 - 73 FR 58499: Correction to limited entry trawl gear fishery management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery, 10/7/2008. PDF 764 KB
09/25/2008 - 73 FR 55451: Final ESA protective regulations (4(d) rule) for Puget Sound steelhead, 9/25/2008. PDF 61 KB
09/24/2008 - 73 FR 55045: Proposed ESA recovery plan for middle Columbia steelhead; request for comments, 9/24/2008. PDF 79 KB
09/17/2008 - 73 FR 53763: End of 2008 Pacific whiting primary season for catcher-processor, mothership and shore-based sectors; request for comments, 9/17/2008. PDF 46 KB
09/08/2008 - 73 FR 52084: Proposed ESA critical habitat for southern distinct population segment of North American green sturgeon; request for comments, 9/8/2008. PDF 937 KB
08/22/2008 - 73 FR 49647: Draft ESA habitat conservation plan and environmental impact statement for Elliott State Forest; request for comments, 8/22/2008. PDF 50 KB
08/15/2008 - 73 FR 47889: Applications for one new, two modifications and three renewals for scientific research permits relating to Pacific salmon under the ESA; request for comments, 8/15/2008. PDF 57 KB
08/11/2008 - 73 FR 46555: 2008 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures Inseason Actions 5 & 6, 8/11/2008. PDF 50 KB
07/31/2008 - 73 FR 44705: Application for scientific research permit relating to Pacific salmon under the ESA; request for comments, 7/31/2008. PDF 52 KB
07/24/2008 - 73 FR 43138: 2008 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures Inseason Actions 1 & 2, 7/24/2008. PDF 55 KB
07/24/2008 - 73 FR 43139: Inseason adjustments to biennial management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 7/24/2008. PDF 1.76 MB
07/22/2008 - 73 FR 42536: 2008 West Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Measures Inseason Actions 3 & 4, 7/22/2008. PDF 51 KB
07/11/2008 - 73 FR 39930: Proposed rule to implement Amendment 15 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, limited entry program for nontribal Pacific whiting fishery; request for comments, 7/11/2008. PDF 79 KB
07/10/2008 - 73 FR 39625: Suspension of Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery primary Pacific whiting season for shore-based sector south of 42 degrees north latitude; request for comments, 7/10/2008. PDF 52 KB
06/24/2008 - 73 FR 35658: Applications for one new and one modification for scientific research permits relating to Pacific salmon under the ESA; request for comments, 6/24/2008. PDF 52 KB
06/13/2008 - 73 FR 33814: Extension of public comment period for DEIS on Makah Tribe's request for MMPA waiver to allow for treaty right hunting of gray whales, 6/13/2008. PDF 47 KB
05/30/2008 - 73 FR 31067: Intent to prepare EIS to implement management measures for 2009-2010 Pacific Coast groundfish fishery, 5/30/2008. PDF 58 KB
05/09/2008 - 73 FR 26375: Draft environmental impact statement on Makah Tribe's request for MMPA waiver to allow for treaty right hunting of gray whales; request for comments, 5/9/2008. PDF 51 KB
05/09/2008 - 73 FR 26374: Application for Permit 1554 for incidental take of ESA-listed anadromous fish associated with recreational fishery programs in upper Columbia River and its tributaries; request for comments, 5/9/2008. PDF 51 KB
05/09/2008 - 73 FR 26325: 2008 fishery specifications for Pacific Whiting off the coasts of Washington, Oregon and California, 5/9/2008. PDF 1.74 MB
05/01/2008 - 73 FR 23971: 2008 West Coast salmon fisheries management measures & temporary rule for emergency action; request for comments, 5/1/2008. PDF 95 KB
04/23/2008 - 73 FR 21913: Proposed ESA recovery plan for Lake Ozette sockeye; request for comments, 4/23/2008. PDF 70 KB
04/22/2008 - 73 FR 21591: Applications for 15 ESA scientific research permits relating to Pacific salmon; request for comments, 4/22/2008. PDF 59 KB
04/18/2008 - 73 FR 21057: Inseason adjustments to biennial management measures in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 4/18/2008 PDF 1.54 MB
04/11/2008 - 73 FR 19822: Draft ESA habitat conservation plan and environmental impact statement for Bull Run Water Supply; request for comments, 4/11/2008. PDF 57 KB
04/11/2008 - 73 FR 19825: Solicitation of nominations for two advisory groups called for in Pacific Whiting Act of 2006, 4/11/2008. PDF 53 KB
04/08/2008 - 73 FR 19000: Final Rule to Designate Critical Habitat for North Pacific Right Whale PDF 524 KB
04/08/2008 - 73 FR 19050: Intent to issue 2 exempted fishing permits in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery; request for comments, 4/8/2008. PDF 57 KB
03/28/2008 - 73 FR 16642: Intent to issue exempted fishing permits (EFPs) to Pacific whiting shoreside vessels; request for comments, 3/28/2008. PDF 53 KB
03/24/2008 - 73 FR 15483: Approval of states' request for authority to remove California sea lions that feed on ESA-listed salmon in Columbia River Basin, 3/24/2008. PDF 74 KB
03/21/2008 - 73 FR 15153: Draft ESA habitat conservation plan and environmental impact statement for Bull Run Water Supply; request for comments, 3/21/2008. PDF 51 KB
03/19/2008 - 73 FR 14765: Amendment 15 to Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan for vessel license limitation program in Pacific whiting fishery; request for comments, 3/19/2008. PDF 53 KB
03/18/2008 - 73 FR 14428: Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Experimental Permitting Process, Exempted Fishing Permits, and Scientific Research Activity, 3/18/2008. PDF 43 KB
03/17/2008 - 73 FR 14195: ESA petition to list 5 species of Puget Sound rockfish accepted, 3/17/2008. PDF 64 KB
03/12/2008 - 73 FR 13185: ESA petition to list Pacific smelt (eulachon) accepted, 3/12/2008. PDF 67 KB
03/10/2008 - 73 FR 12705: Continuing solicitation of nominations for Advisory Panel on Pacific Whiting, 3/10/2008. PDF 49 KB
03/07/2008 - 73 FR 12280: Annual management measures for Pacific halibut fisheries and changes to Catch Sharing Plan in Area 2A, 3/7/2008. PDF 567 KB
03/05/2008 - 73 FR 11870: Combined draft Environmental Assessment/ESA Habitat Conservation Plan for Broughton Land Company; request for comments, 3/5/2008. PDF 51 KB
02/25/2008 - 73 FR 9960: Implementation of Amendment 15 to Pacific Coast Salmon Fisheries Management Plan, 2/25/2008. PDF 63 KB
02/11/2008 - 73 FR 7816: ESA listing for Oregon coast coho, 2/11/2008. PDF 1.47 MB
02/04/2008 - 73 FR 6483: Proposed and/or continuing information collections on Northwest Region gear identification requirements; request for comments, 2/4/2008. PDF 45 KB
02/04/2008 - 73 FR 6482: Proposed and/or continuing information collections on Northwest Region vessel identification requirements; request for comments, 2/4/2008. PDF 50 KB
01/31/2008 - 73 FR 5813: Revision of type approval for mobile transmitting units for use on any vessel participating in NOAA Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) program, 1/31/2008. PDF 66 KB
01/28/2008 - 73 FR 4759: Correction to vessel monitoring system requirement in Pacific Coast Groundfish Fisheries open access fishery, 1/28/2008. PDF 51 KB
01/24/2008 - 73 FR 4176: Release of final ESA Recovery Plan for Puget Sound killer whales, 1/24/2008. PDF 50 KB
01/18/2008 - 73 FR 3453: Release of draft environmental assessment on states' request for authority to lethally remove California sea lions that feed on ESA-listed salmon in Columbia River Basin, 1/18/2008. PDF 61 KB
01/02/2008 - 73 FR 140: Proposal to approve and implement changes to Pacific Halibut Catch-Sharing Plan for regulatory Area 2A off Washington, Oregon and California; request for comments, 1/2/2008. PDF 75 KB
01/02/2008 - 73 FR 161: Release of proposed Columbia River Estuary Recovery Plan Module for Salmon and Steelhead; request for comments, 1/2/2008. PDF 68 KB