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Sustainable Buildings and Infrastructure

"A sustainable society is one which satisfies its needs without diminishing the prospects of future generations."
- Lester R. Brown, Founder and President, Worldwatch Institute

Department of Energy facilities managers have a significant role to play in achieving the goals of E.O. 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental Energy and Transportation Management and E.O. 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. The expectation is that DOE will build, operate and maintain energy efficient, environmentally sensitive buildings that provide a comfortable and productive working environment.  DOE Sustainable Environmental Stewardship will reduce the cost and environmental impact of Federal government facilities by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of renewable energy, and improving utility management decisions at DOE sites. 


Implementation Resources


Site Sustainability Plans are required by DOE Order 436.1  to ensure that the Department meets is mandated goals. The Sustainability Performance Offices issues guidance annually. For more information visit the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Sustainability Performance Office website.