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Local Control Funding Formula

California's new school funding formula, enacted in 2013. Actual funding allocations, when available, will be available via the Principal Apportionment page.

LCFF Overview

The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Overview provides information about LCFF funding and accountability provisions. Additional information on LCFF implementation is contained in a letter issued jointly on August 7, 2013, by the State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

If you would like to receive updates regarding the LCFF via e-mail notification, subscribe to the LCFF listserv by sending a "blank" message to (To unsubscribe, send a "blank" message to


The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Electronic Template page provides resources and information pertaining to the LCAP electronic template (eTemplate) system. (Posted 01-Feb-2016)

The LCAP Resource and Development page provides information that pertains to the recent developments and the LCAP redesign, developement, and implementation.

The State Priority Related Resources page provides links to resources for developing and implementing state priorities in the LCAP.

The LCFF Reports page provides access to search for the latest available LCFF funding and accountability data for individual schools, school districts, and county offices of education.

The Quality Schooling Framework (QSF) is the California educator’s destination for timely tools and practices to guide effective planning, policy, expenditure, and instructional decisions at all schools and districts.

WestEd's LCFF implementation page External link opens in new window or tab. includes links to videos to help local implementation of the LCFF as well as other materials.


Funding Resources

Evaluation Rubrics

WestEd convened an Evaluation Rubric Design Group (ERDG) in August 2014 to begin the process of developing evaluation rubrics to recommend to the SBE for adoption in accordance with the October 1, 2015, timeline.  ERDG participants include educational leaders from school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools; CDE staff with responsibility for monitoring COEs; and SBE representatives. WestEd also organized a series of regionally based input sessions in September 2014 to provide district, county, charter, and school leaders; teachers; students; parents; and community members with an opportunity to offer local insights to the evaluation rubric development process.  Policy and advocacy groups were invited to voice their ideas at a meeting conducted in October 2014.  Draft recommendations will be presented to the SBE in Spring 2015, with follow-up meetings to be scheduled as needed.

Review of COE LCAPs

For an overview of the County Office of Education (COE) Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) review process, see The Review of County Office of Education LCAPs by the CDE (PDF).

County Office of Education and School District LCAPs

California Education Code Section 52065 External link opens in new window or tab. requires that the Superintendent post links to all local control and accountability plans approved by the governing boards of school districts and county boards of education on the Internet Web site of the Department. CDE is working with county offices of education and school districts to obtain links to their 2014-15 LCAPs. We will continue to update this list as we receive information.

2015-16 County Office of Education and School District LCAPs (Posted 28-Jan-2016)

LCFF and Uniform Complaint Procedures

The LCFF and UCP Letter provides information about the LCFF and Uniform Complaint Procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

More frequently asked questions will be added as they become available.

Contact Information

For all LCFF fiscal questions, contact the Office of Principal Apportionment and Special Education at For all LCFF program questions, contact the Local Agency Systems Support Office at

Questions:   Local Agency Systems Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 9, 2016
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