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2011 Environmental Excellence Awards

Letter from the Federal Highway Administrator

Photo of Victor M. Mendez
Cover of 2011 Environmental Excellence Awards booklet

The Federal Highway Administration is making sure Every Day Counts. The agency launched this initiative to transform the way the Federal Highway Administration does business. The Environmental Excellence Awards were designed to recognize and reward our commitment to not only deliver projects that protect and enhance the environment, but to do so by shortening project delivery, advancing innovative technology, and “going greener.” The awards program officially recognizes the partners, projects, and processes that enhance our awareness of the environment and how we do business.

The 12 winning entries were selected by an independent panel of judges recognizing excellence in the following categories: Air Quality Improvement and Global Climate Change; Context Sensitive Solutions; Cultural and Historical Resources; Ecosystems, Habitat, and Wildlife; Environmental Leadership; Environmental Research; Environmental Streamlining; Nonmotorized Transportation; Recycling and Reuse; and Wetlands, Watersheds, and Water Quality.

These winning entries were selected because they build partnerships, meet environmental challenges creatively, enhance interagency coordination in ways which go beyond environmental “business as usual,” and achieve environmental excellence.

On behalf of all of us at the Federal Highway Administration, I salute this year's outstanding accomplishments and congratulate the winners!

Victor M. Mendez signature

Victor M. Mendez
Federal Highway Administration
August 22, 2011
Updated: 11/1/2012
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