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2009 Environmental Excellence Awards

Letter from the Federal Highway Administrator

Photo of Victor M. Mendez
Cover of 2009 Environmental Excellence Awards booklet

Secretary Ray LaHood has said that one of the Department of Transportation's top priorities under the Obama Administration will be "a serious push to make transportation much cleaner and greener in the United States." Today, the Federal Highway Administration recognizes a set of truly remarkable people, projects, and processes that have significantly furthered this goal. The 2009 Environmental Excellence Awards recognize excellence in diverse categories, including Roadside Resource Management and Maintenance, Environmental Research, Context-Sensitive Solutions, and Environmental Leadership. Winners have formed partnerships with community organizations and the private sector to perform research on highway noise, restore historical structures, and help to preserve ecosystems and wildlife.

The projects share a few key characteristics: each used innovative methods to promote environmental sensitivity and sustainability without sacrificing mobility. This brochure highlights these winners and their outstanding accomplishments. A panel of independent judges chose the winners from many qualified entries to the eighth Biennial Environmental Excellence Awards competition. Congratulations to the 2009 winners and nominees.

As the Obama Administration, the Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration continue to green the transportation sector, these projects represent the creativity and perseverance that will produce truly transformative results for communities and the environment.

Victor M. Mendez signature

Victor M. Mendez
Federal Highway Administration
September 14, 2009
Updated: 10/25/2012
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